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My kids love that sketch!

Post 1

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Greetings from Canada-eh!smiley - ok
I like marmite, too.
We were all raised on Monty Python, and turned out mostly alright (I think), so a criminologist might not come up with anything but a "normal Canadian" profile of you. (Not that that means anything good, mind you.)smiley - weird
I just thought I would say HI! I'm new too.
Karensmiley - zen


Post 2


smiley - smiley
hello Karen.I'm Wendy and its great to (virtually)meet you.
Thanx for your reply, it's good to know that there are others out there that were brought up on the finest of comedy.
Noticing that you are Canadian, I will refrain for as long as possible from making any "Lumberjack Song" comments...I promisesmiley - smiley
Look forward to conversing with you further

Heres to Marmite...a much misunderstood yeast by-product!
smiley - ale


I wouldn't mind the 'Lumberjack Song' so much.....

Post 3

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Nice to meet you, toosmiley - biggrin!
I think I might mind if someone refered to me as the woman on the "Every Sperm Is Sacred' sketchsmiley - drunk. 67 kids is a bit much, even for mesmiley - biggrin. (Although I often feel like I have 67 kids sitting in my living room.)
It was really cool to be able to visit some of the sites that those wonderful sketches were filmed. (Although I must admit that I couldn't tell you where we were at the time.)
I really loved England. I got to visit the year Diana died. (What a lot of people). A now deceasedsmiley - cry friend of mine bought me a ticket for my birthday, and I was supposed to leave for London the morning after the accident, but ended-up going in October instead. My friend died in the Underground crash in Paddington Square.
I got lost in central London one daysmiley - weird. What a rush!
We stayed at the 'Dorchester' one night, as my friend had planned well in advance. I even got to meet some Royalty, and a bunch of Diplomats, as we went to a Diplomatic dinner. (Yes! Even being a Canadian I behaved myself with dignitysmiley - ok)
I don't know if you visited my page, but I am dating a wonderful RCMP officer. I refer to him as smiley - handcuffs. Not a 'Lumberjack', but still worthy of some "nod, nod, wink, wink, if you know what I mean"!
Well, I gotta go. I have a school of pirhana (my beautiful childrensmiley - monstersmiley - monster) wanting to eat everything in the kitchen cabinets for breakfast. If I don't intervene quickly, they will be eating the refrigerator.
smiley - ta
Karensmiley - zen


Post 4


Hi Karen
Firstly, let me say how sorry I am to hear of your friends passing in such tragic circumstances. It must have been a terribly sad time for you and your friend's family.

I apologise for not replying sooner but I have been busy at work and also I've spent much of the weekend being swung upside down,thrown side to side,dropped vertically from a great height and generally having my nerves shredded. Myself,my hubby,our 6 year old son, my 14 yr old nephew and my best friend went to the Alton Towers theme park and had a fantastic time. I never really liked roller coasters as a kid but I'm now a devotee of the white knuckle ride.
I found out,on my return,that there was an h2g2 meet at Alton Towers on the day we went.
I will make this message short as I am expecting my other half home anytime now.
smiley - smiley

Alton Towers

Post 5

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

What a great place!smiley - ok
I must say I envy you going through all of those lovely experiences this past weekend.
smiley - handcuffs and I practiced his course on 'how to take down a violent offender'.smiley - biggrin (Sometimes people put up a bit of a fight when they are arrested, you know.) I've learned how to not become the 'practice dummy'. I can even take smiley - handcuffs down now, after learning a few 'secret moves'. I must say, though, that I, too, am slightly bruisedsmiley - bruised from the experience.
I would have much rather been at Alton Towers.smiley - ok
Hope you are well!
Take care!
Karensmiley - zen


Post 6


Hi Karen
Sorry smiley - sorry for the delay in my message but I have been a tad busy and have kept meaning to reply.
I'm also getting the hang of my new PC ... slowly.
Hope all is well at your end

No Appologies!

Post 7

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I quite understand the value of time.
It is so good to hear from you!smiley - ok I hope all is well with you.
Things are fine here. I found us a new place to live. YAHOO! We move in a month.
My car was sabotaged again, though. The steering box was disconnected purposely, and could have caused a fatality if I had not had the sense to check-out why my car was not steering properly before continuing to drive it.smiley - yikes This is another reason we need to move.
Now all I have to do is pack an entire household that has been living in almost 3500 square feet of space, and pare it down to be able to live in about one third of the space.
I'm kind of tired today, so my message will be short. We butchered our chickens this past week, and I fear that I haven't gotten caught up on my rest since. My daughter is also moving out tomorrow, with her son, and I am truly going to miss them.smiley - cry
Take good care of yourself!
smiley - ta for now...
Karensmiley - zen

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