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A rather amusing search engine created by Microsoft, give it a try - *muffledsmiley - laugh*

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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2006

chocolate quote

I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter.


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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2006

~music 3~

"After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2005

Another music-related quote

"Our problem is that we have replaced reality with bullsmiley - bleep. Anything can pass for art."

Wynton Marsalis

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2004

~music 2~

"Music washes away the dust of everyday life."

Art Blakey

Well I chose the Art Blakey quote partially because in the past month (or roughly that)I've caught some great drummers at my little musical oasis, The Yardbird Suite. Of course the drummers were only part of the varied melodic mosaic that "The Suite" consistently delivers. Personifying some of the highlights were; talented Canadian saxophonist Christine Jensen (whose quartet also included Dave Restivo's keyboard mastery), the uncompromisingly delightful vocals of Norway's Marit Sandvik - & among her quintet skilled bassist Sigurd Ulveseth, then local saxophonist Kent Sangster (whose solid quintet was comprised of; Vancouver guitarist Mike Rud, Edmontonian Chris Andrew's skillfully played piano, Polish bassist Darek Oleszkiewicz's nimble melodic bass & L.A. drummer Joe LaBarbera's dynamic propulsion).

Then of course there were the energetic urban Blues of Rochester New York's Joe Beard, aided splendidly by Graham Guest's keyboards, Jim Guiboche's guitar & Dave "Crawdad" Cantera's high-octane harmonica. And New York trombonist Steve Swell, backed particularly by the superb rhythm section of bassist William Parker & drummer Hamid Drake. Canadian guitarist David Occhipinti deserves mention, backed by prominent saxophonist Mike Murley, bassist Andrew Downing & sought-after drummer Terry Clarke. From New York, the fine pairing of guitarist Dave Stryker & saxophonist Steve Slagle. Not surprizingly, they chose the rhythm section that had backed them up on their last appearance at "The Suite", premier local drummer Sandro Dominelli & equally adept bassist John Taylor.

And of course the Funk of local trio Shucker, whose Rob Thompson - keyboards & Steve Pady - guitar were anchored by drummer John Newton (whose percussive arsenal included electronics & hand percussion in addition to a standard drum kit.)

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Latest reply: Nov 5, 2004

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