This is the Message Centre for Thadil Doeman
Ming Mang Started conversation Sep 7, 2002
Hello Thadil Doeman! What sort of a shop is it?
Anyway... I'm an 'ACE', which stands for Assistant Community Editor, and means that I have volunteered to do various things, which includes helping new users, like yourself, to find their feet in h2g2. However, I can't do this if you don't reply to me!
To help you find a few places, <./>ThePost</.>, h2g2s online newspaper (which comes out weekly on a Thursday), has set up several pages which can be found here: A660304. There you can look through clubs and societies, regional researcher groups, virtual 'worlds', and other things as well.
There are also some 'official' help pages, which can be found here: <./>DontPanic</.>, and here: <./>Welcome-Newcomers</.>
A very helpful and completely unofficial page explaining any and all jargon used on h2g2 can be found here: A632431 .
Anyway, don't worry if it takes you a while to get back to me, I have a plentiful supply of and
, which you can help yourself to as well if you like.
And don't forget to enjoy yourself on h2g2, whatever you do!
PS I am not automated.
PS I am not automated.
PS I am not automated.
PPS I think my record just got stuck...
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