This is the Message Centre for abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein
PAGANMOON Posted Jun 5, 2003
hi abz... good news i see bout your brother..... you could always do the healing spell again, it won't do any harm.... try it for yourself too.....
mis-diagnosis..... ahhh... where have i heard that before.... it's so common it's unbelievable... sadly.... no wonder people go out and buy medical books and try to self diagnose and self medicate..... they probably get it more accurate than the doc.s...... well, quacks....
you take care now darling.... my thoughts are with you, and your brother.... sheryl.....xxxxxx
smurfles Posted Jun 5, 2003
hi there abbi,i just saw the last mesages and i am so pleased that your brother is feeling better now.maybe you will sleep better tonight eh??i am at a loss as to what to say about doctors,,,,my own experiences havent been all they should have been..but thats a long story!!!!god bless my friend,hope to chat to you soon.take care,
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 5, 2003
I have thought about this before but dunno.....
How about an entry where all tell anything they'd like about Mis-diagnosed. There is a lot of pain and frustration around this common problem. As I had said on my AS thread if they are not going to look for the unusual = anything with "odds less than 30 %" then who needs Dr. Yes a computer can diagnose fairly well if you are average or IF you only have one problem. My other huge beef it that when you have more than one they want to pick just ONE!
Let me know if you would like to contribute your own saga.
If there are 3-4 people I will start and unedited entry. If your name is added to the writers-editors then you can get into it to contribute
It might be healthy and helpful to purge these poisonous experiences!
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Jun 5, 2003
Hmmm.... Me, the misdiagnosis thing doesn't bother me so much. Every rheumatologist I go to diagnosis me as something different, but it doesn't really matter -- they all diagnosis it as an autoimmune disease, and virtually every autoimmune disease under the sun gets treated pretty much the same, so my treatment has been consistent even if the diagnosis hasn't. As long as they work on taking care of me, I don't care much what they call it.
PAGANMOON Posted Jun 5, 2003
sounds interesting abbi....
my diagnosis come mainly from gp's.... they think it sounds like..... could be a number of things.... all i know is it's bloody painfull, and the dizzy spells....
had blood tests of late but no specialist or xrays.... not that i want 'em but thought they'd be a necessity....
keep me informed... sheryl... xxxxxx
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Posted Jun 5, 2003
I don't like it when doctors don't communicate with each other over the same patient. Like my mom!!!!
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Jun 5, 2003
My doctors are good at that -- sometimes they will even 3(or 4)-way call me so that I can hear from them all at once, and know that they're all agreeing on the plan of action. Very reassuring. My rheumatologist picked my internist for me, and they have offices right next to each other, so it's very handy -- they can dash over and ask each other questions in the middle of a phone call or visit with me.
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 5, 2003
Our system is bad about communicating.
I have shown up to so many appointments where the paperwork or notes did not make it. It is a waste for everyone.That is what happen with this Dr they want me to return to. He had 10 year old info and not the newest tests! He could not be bothered/no time to be calling right then or looking at xrays. I was dismissed from his care without getting any
The auto-immune disease treatments I have done before were life threatning. Which is why more than one diagnosis makes things muddy and they'd just as soon not deal with that complicationIt is also why they need to talk to each other!
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 5, 2003
You are getting very good care it sounds like Mickey. I understand your willingness to let them change diagnosis on you if the treatment is the same for all those auto-immune diseases and you tolerate it well. That does narrow the treatment options as you say.
I cannot be quite that assured with mixed conditions & added mis-diagnosis.
I am glad for you. YAY!
I am sure it is still not a breeze, be thankful for your great care and clarity of medical situation!
Best of wishes to you
smurfles Posted Jun 6, 2003
hi abbi,i'll tell you what has ahppened to me over the years,but unfortunately it is a VERY long story,with twists and turns along the way.i take it that auto immune means complaints such as rheumotism and arthritis,or would you clarify that for me???ask me anything you want and i'd like to tell you what problems i have ..but beware... it gets boring!!!!!hope youre okay
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 6, 2003
Auto Immune is where your body attacks itself.
Many things fall into that category.
Ruematoid Arthritis is probably the most well known.
Although many are suspected, MS and others.
I will start a forum. Sounds like you could use an outlet.
My story is twisted too. I do not want it sprawled all over my page.
It already is in spurts and bursts The De Myelin Nation has a lot of it in the begining.
I will start a page and put our names on it. You can ask anyone to contribute. I'll leave the number A# here later
I would like to hear your story sal.
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 6, 2003
Entry ID: A1070902 Smurfles this is the spot! I have added you to the researcher-writer list. Anyone else that wants to be added or simply reply may do so! It should show up on the bottom of your page and on mine and the number is always here Travel at your own speed and risks.
smurfles Posted Jun 6, 2003
hi abbi,thanks for the message .i will try and do it on monday,if not before,when it is nice and quiet here!!!!
i hope that others will contribute their stories,it seems to me there are a lot of people out there that have a story to tell.have a good weekend if i dont catch you ,hope youre feeling well.take care,chat soon.
s salxxx
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 6, 2003
I am sure others will!
I'll be behind you
I will look up some that I have written first, to see if I can string it together and make sense! The twisted process does not make a lot of sense, so it is difficult to tell someone else, in a clear way!
The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones! Posted Jun 7, 2003
The angels teach us about our hearts, our hearts teach us who we are.
- Terry Lynn Taylor,
“Angel Days”
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We're afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can't. We will fall!"
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
- Guillaume Apollinaire
Do all your duties, but keep your mind on God. Serve your wife, children, father, and mother, and treat them as if they are very dear to you, but know in your heart that they do not belong to you.
Don't sacrifice your own welfare
for that of another,
no matter how great.
Realizing your own true welfare,
be intent on just that.
-Dhammapada 166, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Two Kinds of People
There are two kinds of people. Those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."
It takes as much stress to be a success as it does to be a failure.
- Emilio James Trujillo
"That which moves about in joy in the dreaming state is the Self, fearless and deathless. That is Brahman, the supreme."
-Chandogya Upanishad
God created you out of dust, which he formed into a tiny seed. He divided you into two sexes. No woman conceives or gives birth without his knowledge. No one grows old, or dies young, except in accordance with his decree. Every action is easy for God.
-Qur'an, Fatir, 35:11
Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed. Away with your dualism, your likes and dislikes. Every single thing is just the One Mind. When you have perceived this, you will have mounted the Chariot of the Buddhas.
-Huang Po, "Zen Teaching of Huang Po"
A Recently Spotted Bumper Sticker:
"Jesus loves you - it's everyone else who thinks you're a jerk!"
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Since man is made of clay, he can never be completely pure. Since clay is basically foul, how can humans escape their basic nature? Purity does not lie in rituals, nor can human nature be changed by effort. Those who love God and remain conscious only of their Beloved attain purity.
-Al-Hujwiri, "The Kashf al Mahjub"
We should surrender our intention to selfishly seek merit and recognition for our merit, and instead simply plant merit and cultivate wisdom.
-Jae Woong Kim, "Polishing the Diamond"
Basic Flying Rules: Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees, and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.
(good link for Yoda)
Sign behind counter at video rental store:
"We are sorry to report that we are ALL out of 'That Movie With That Guy Who Was in That Other Movie'. There was some confusion when ordering from our distributor. -Thank You
( link)
Mis-Diagnosis, hmmmmm.......
There was this one time that I was told the cancer of the cervix I had was all gone. Then I had five more years of pain and agony where the s told me to stop being so over-sensitive, that my pain was in my imagination.
Turned out that I had to have a radical hysterectomy because of my imaginations and hyper-sensitivity.
Three grapefruit-sized tumors removed along with my womanly inner-workings.
Before that, when I was pregnant with my youngest child, I was having extreme back pain and much trouble with my waterworks. I couldn't seem to stay off the loo for more than 10 minutes.
The was convinced it was because of pressure my son was exerting on my bladder, and that I would be fine.
I ended-up in the hospital a few hours after he told me to go home and drink cranberry juice (More pressure for my poor old bladder.)
Finally the decided to do an ultrasound and some blood cultures, and found out that I had such a terrible kidney infection because I only had ONE KIDNEY! The ultrasound was conclusive, and it was proven that I owned only one of those elusive major organs, despite the fact that 'normal' people were generally blessed with two of the suckers.
I was taken seriously after that by that . I could have died from his non-chalance, and cavalier attitude toward my agony. And my Mum made the nurse that was rude to me in Emergency apologize to my face for treating me with such disdain when I was admitted.
Then there was the time my told me that the only thing that was wrong with me was that I needed something to keep me busy. That was when I was experiencing chest pains, and my Mum had had to drive me to the clinic
. But he said he would give me a cardiogram anyway, just to prove that I was healthy.
When he read the curl of paper that was spewing forth from the confangled machine, he turned a pale shade of green, held his breath, and told my Mum that I had just experienced a Myocardial Infarction. (heart attack of sorts)
Mis-diagnosis. Funny things, those
Lady Karen
smurfles Posted Jun 7, 2003
hi abbi,and dragonlady....and all following this thread,..hope it's been a good all well with you abbi???it just shows that we arent always given the best attention by doctors,doesnt it.i have to say though,some are very thorough,i wonder if they all get paid the same money??chat soon.
s salxxx
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 8, 2003
Hi sal It was a much better day.
My brother is doing well and my one friend I was worried about is doing ok.
I have been enjoying feeling a bit better than 6 months ago when I had so many infections. I am loving being able to sit on the porch also. The grief of my last two family losses has lighten (sp). Probably why I was extra worried about my brothers health, hubbies too & friend I just need a breather before more losses. Please & Thank you wonderful world!
You have been very patient with my short spurts and time differences, sleepless nights. I am eratic about times but here most every dayIt has been nice to have a couple of new regular folks to say hello too. You and Shyerl, I LIKE it!
I never been able to put so many pieces and areas of life into one spot. It is magic at times. Almost like a *people* smorgassboard rather than food. I often can stomach them easier than food. I know bad pun
Take care ~ it's always good to see you.
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jun 8, 2003
I would like to put a good word in for Dr. they can be wonderful and compassionate.
I always wonder who got the lowest grades and does it really matter?
Still seems to be more of an art than science profession. Both outlooks are best in a Dr.
Definately helps for them to have some life and loss to season them. The young ones are sharp with up to the minute info ,the older ones more experienced. I like have a mix of young and old.
The male and female differences I have not found,probably because so much *art* does go into practicing. They are all trained in the same places so not a lot varies without the art!
There is a huge difference in salaries amoung Dr. Location, location ,location ~ Applies in this business also! Clients with private full benefits insurance helps and a field with low malpractice rates
Key: Complain about this post
- 81: PAGANMOON (Jun 5, 2003)
- 82: smurfles (Jun 5, 2003)
- 83: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 5, 2003)
- 84: Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! (Jun 5, 2003)
- 85: PAGANMOON (Jun 5, 2003)
- 86: Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde (Jun 5, 2003)
- 87: Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! (Jun 5, 2003)
- 88: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 5, 2003)
- 89: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 5, 2003)
- 90: smurfles (Jun 6, 2003)
- 91: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 6, 2003)
- 92: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 6, 2003)
- 93: smurfles (Jun 6, 2003)
- 94: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 6, 2003)
- 95: The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones! (Jun 7, 2003)
- 96: Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde (Jun 7, 2003)
- 97: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 7, 2003)
- 98: smurfles (Jun 7, 2003)
- 99: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 8, 2003)
- 100: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jun 8, 2003)
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