Welcome to Colleens Space....


(hmmm .. Writers Block)

Uhmmmm...What to say????? I am 36...live in Berlin....tall, thin, fun-loving red-head.... and SINGLE SINGLE.... SINGLE.... and not enjoying it.. Okay, sort of, but still... this all sucks..getting all gussied up 'In Search of.... Mr. Right'... I would settle for Mr. Right NOW... but, he ain't happening either...

My hobbies? Hmmm .. pampering myself in order to impress Mr. Right... High maintenance stuff... nails, feet, hair, tanning, gym... shoe- care, purse care.... it ain't easy being a full- time 'In Search of'er"... shoot I digress...

Other hobbies.... being self-absorbed... movies,,,,movies,,,,and more movies... swimming (good looking dudes, however due to the solitary nature of the sport it is hard to make contact--still, luv the eye candy)))) um.... going to the gym.... more good looking stuff, but I must go during the all homo-sexual hours.... must look into this.... need to sweat next to big muscle bound heteros... Did I mention my testosterone deficiency?

hmmm.. my other hobbies... well, shopping for sexy clothes in order to catch the eye of that special one... shopping period.. Love "hello kitty"..... Love to ride my bike all over the city... Love music.., Cafe del Mar, classic and so on.. Go to the Ballet (eye candy galore) and what else??

Okay, enough about me for now, but will start this journal thing in order to prove to the outside world that 'Bridget Jones' does not hold a candle to the escapades of this single girl.... Love (or lack of) American Style.... in Berlin....


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