Well I guess this is where UUU find out aboot MEEE, tihihi...
First things first, live in Scotland, well south of Glasgow, 26 yr old, wotk in building industry at the mo, soon to change I hope.
Will be entering University this Oct, to study Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Strathclyde Uni. Some folk me not like the prospect of going to Uni, but me being me(and well according to some folk a wee bitty odd)am looking soooo forward to it. Now don't think Freek here ok, 'cause I was at a uni before hated it, left, travelled, and noe want to go back (did u read that, just check again to make sure u got it ok) I WANT to go back!!!!!
Anyway I spent 2 yrs teach ing Scuba diving in egypt, 2 seasons in Bodrum Turkey, 1 season in Sardinia, so in total 5 yrs of travelling and teaching scuba at tourist resorts. Very cool job to do, did spend a lot of time drunk or very hungover though?????
so thats pretty much me, other than interests and hobbies.... see below.
My favorite subject is sex, what is possible and what is not. what goes mmmmmmmmm, and what goes eugh!
But mostly what other people enjoy, thats all I want really the sexual satisfaction of the girl that I'm with.
Something that I want people to understand I am a person that has been raised in two different cultures at the same time, I have also travelled a bit and experienced different people from different cultures.
Researcher U201537
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