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Mo Intro

Post 1


How about this.....

Missouri is a state of marked contrast, with swampy lowlands in the southeast, the Ozark Plateau in the south and rolling prairies in the north. Missouri borders eight states: Arkansas on the south; Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska on the west; Iowa on the north; and Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee on the east. The state's two primary cities were built to take advantage of river travel – Kansas City in the west on the Missouri River and St. Louis in the east just south of the confluence of the Missouri and the Mississippi. Industry has replaced agriculture as the bedrock of the state's economy. Missouri produces nearly half of all the beer consumed in the United States, has more naturally occurring caves than any other state (0ver 5,500), is home to the world's first ice cream cone, first hot dog on a bun, first iced tea and first cotton candy. The most recognizable monument is the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. The state capital is Jefferson City.

Mo Intro

Post 2


Looks great.
May I remove the bit about the states it borders, though? I think I only used those in the paragraphs about states where I didn't really have anything to say about them... and there's plenty out there to say about Missouri.

smiley - ill

...It actually made me sick to compliment Missouri just now. smiley - winkeye

Is that true about the first hot dog on a bun? I've heard that the first hot dog came from Ohio, but I have no idea if that's true or not. I guess that the bun is important to the meal, but I usually get tired of it after a while and just eat the meat.
(bread isn't my favorite thing)

This is going in the entry with a very few changes (St. Louis becomes St Louis... I don't know why, but it does) and you get another entry credited to you smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 3


smiley - footinmouth I just realized that the border bit was largely already in my entry.
smiley - doh

Well, with all that great material you gave me, we don't need it anymore. smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 4


1904 - St. Louis World's Fair - first hot dog on a bun or roll as some folks call them. smiley - biggrin

Have you recovered yet from complimenting Missouri? smiley - hug Here, have a hotdog, an ice cream cone and a glass of iced tea. And some tickets to a Cardinal's game. smiley - tomato (You can use the tomato to make ketchup for the hotdog.)

Mo Intro

Post 5


Hyp, I'm alright.
But if you could fly over here on an airplane (Wright Brothers, 1903), I would certainly give you a bun-less hotdog (Harry Stevens, 1900), but I would hope you wouldn't be stopped by a police car (first in Akron) at a traffic light (Cleveland first). I'd take you to a Reds game (first professional baseball team) and give you a pop-top can (invented in Kettering).

Also, you know that yellow line they use during football broadcasts to show where the first down is? A local man invented that.

smiley - tongueout Nanners, nanners.

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 6


Suppose I could parachute out over Cincinnati - (first parachute jump over St. Louis - March 1, 1912).

Mo Intro

Post 7


smiley - eureka (or lightbulb, rather - Edison born in Milan, Ohio)
Good idea.

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 8


You can buy your lightbulbs (and just about anything else) at JC Penny - born in Hamilton, MO.

Mo Intro

Post 9


Interesting you should mention Hamilton, because that's the county Cincinnati is in, which happens to sport the world's first ambulance system, established in 1865, just in case that lightbulb electrocutes you.

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 10


As reported I'm sure by Joseph Pulitzer in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Mo Intro

Post 11


Whose paper, I'm sure, was rightfully used by Annie Oakley for target practice.

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 12


Who wasn't nearly as famous as Jesse James.

Mo Intro

Post 13


Who would have been brought into custody by police cars, which were first used in Akron.

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 14


smiley - rofl You win. smiley - biggrin

Mo Intro

Post 15


Ok, so that's Jordan 4 billion, H one.
(and I spotted you the one)

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 16


Your tally is somewhat skewered there, oh Ohio Wonderkind. I seriously doubt if it would stand up to Peer Review. smiley - winkeye

On a more somber note - if I don't get my strawberry bed cleaned out and mulched today I'm going to lose my plants. And rain is forecast for the entire day. However, the sun is shining at the moment, causing me to suspect that the weatherman was trained somewhere in Ohio. smiley - tomato

My tomato plants are gorgeous this year, by the way. I shall have ammunition all summer.

Mo Intro

Post 17


Did you know that Ohio's state drink is tomato juice and it is the second most tomato producing state? smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 18


No, I didn't know that. Good for Ohio. I love tomato juice in the mornings. I drink it instead of orange juice. As should you - to keep up the Ohio image, of course. Forget that it's good for you. Do it for Ohio. smiley - tomato

Mo Intro

Post 19


I don't actually like tomato juice... smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Mo Intro

Post 20


That's a shame. Keep trying. You have to drink it for Ohio. And for your image. What will people think if they find out that you refuse to drink the state drink? I hate to think of the mass disillusionment. Oh the humanity!

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