This is the Message Centre for J

An unusual request

Post 1



It's been awhile hasn't it? Sure, we sneak about, furtively peeking in the various windows without posting just to see what's up in the land we once called home, a mixture of relief at having kicked the addiction yet always the longing gnawing at the soul for a return, just one more fix to get a body through. If you were a father I'd liken it to checking in on a sleeping child, drawing the covers up on a cold night, quietly watching and wondering what the future may hold for that which you helped breath life into. Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you.

It's fairly easy to read the signs. You have no desire to return to what once was, the hassles of command a burden rather than a boon, the weight heavy on your shoulders as you try to navigate a sure and steady course for all that is this place. Who could blame you, certainly not I. You were one of the cornerstones of all that is hootoo even if the masses failed to realize that, under appreciated for your efforts in my eyes but still fighting the good fight with calm and decorum. Thank you seems a small thing to offer but it's all I have.

So here we are again, both of us in a crux of sorts, the desire to see things follow a different path than the one currently traveled compelling action of some sort. What that may be I haven't the foggiest but that something must be done is self evident as the current state of affairs forecasts nothing but an ignoble end akin to that of 'Get Writing', no bang, not even a whimper, things just one day simply ceasing to be. Your journal entries show you to be privy to this bit of knowledge already and honestly it's not a new theme by any stretch of the imagination as we both know. The call has been raised innumerable times from corners far and wide, some of those who once denied the possibility now seeing the bitter future for the inevitability that it is...or is it?

Every good politician starts with the desire to do right by his or her fellow man regardless of personal sacrifice. Reality soon shows that to be a fools dream, compromise being the the rule rather than the exception if anything is to be accomplished in this most cutthroat of games. And so it is that even the best intentioned succumb, justifying their actions as simple political reality and slowly forgetting what it was that drove their passion in the beginning. To be in a position of power precludes any moral stands as the opposition will only use it as cannon fodder against you, heck, one may as well construct ones own gallows as swim against the stream, sluggish and polluted as it may be. But there are exceptions, those who pull there feet from the mud even to the point of leaving the waders stuck in midstream.

And now we get to the meat of this dialog. You sir are in a most unique position, one nobody on this site has nor likely ever will attain other than yourself. Who else has accrued the list of credentials you possess? Nothing that is h2g2 remains untouched by your hand in some fashion be it the 'primary' mission that is the edited guide or the creation of an entirely opposite entity that is The UnderGuide. To be a contributor of the highest note as well as one guiding the overall output places you on a rather high plateau and from this height you have the ability to see things in a way few others can. That alone is a burden of sorts as you can't help but feel connected emotionally to all that goes on sort of like the analogy of the father and child yet again.

Then there is the political side. I recall a dream that was the Office of the Presidency and what good might be attainable from that position. Alas, it's a dream unrealized, in the end more an adventure in role play than anything resembling reality. To say this left me disillusioned would be an understatement of monumental proportion as I truly felt that much good could come of the right person in the right place at the right time. I still feel that way perhaps now more than ever and I imagine you do as well though that may be presumptuous on my part. To take up the reigns of that office with the intimate knowledge you possess yet without the restrictions of being active in the various 'special interest' groups that are the Peer and UG makes you the ideal person for the position.

And no, I haven't forgotten that the position is already filled but just a Nixon once stepped aside for Ford we have precedent in the Vice President taking over office. We needn't any dramatic scandal such as Watergate to justify this in my opinion, just a quiet abdication for the greater good, an argument that sells itself. I have seen nothing of any import come from the office and to leave this opportunity unrealized is almost a crime in itself. This is a chance to rally the troops in a way that has never been tried before, more than just a plea to a select group for help such as I see is going on now. One more important detail to consider, the old guard all know and respect you and will listen to all that you say with more consideration than they might some of the new crowd regardless of any positions they may hold. You possess that ageless appeal, respected by all whether young or old, newbie or grizzled vet and many would follow your lead if you but gave the word.

Imagine for a second, the folks people all over the site look up to working from a common game plan, all working in their own niches to bring solidarity to this movement. It's an attainable goal and one worthy of any and all effort necessary to see it through, all that's lacking is a leader. So, what say you? I'll apologize in advance because by posting this in your message box it will be read by many of those very people I referred to, those with the power to reach out and touch the masses. That they will hound you to take up the battle standard is a given and that they will willingly volunteer all their efforts to help is also a certainty.

It's a lot to ask, especially coming from left field and from an unexpected quarter but then again it's just in my nature. Needless to say I will do all that I can to help, every resource at my disposal yours to command and all my efforts your to direct. So then, what's it to be? Do we fight the good fight one more time, into the fray with a battle cry that will shake the foundations of this place to the very core. The balls in your court.

Humbly yours, Spy

An unusual request

Post 2


Funny, I was just thinking about you smiley - smiley Good to see you around again.

However, I've gotta say, that's maybe the most bizarre thing I've heard in a while smiley - erm The President is my dearest friend on h2g2, and the job doesn't really come with any powers or influence.

I understand your logic, but I certainly don't agree with that conclusion. I appreciate what you've said though. H2G2 was a big part of my life for a long time, and I am currently doing what I can to see that it survives (writing a few entries, peeking into PR) because any loss would be devastating to myself and so many of my friends. I'm not going to be able to make a bigger official committment. However, your post has got me thinking, which may have been your intent. I'm going to do what I can to see that this guide does not only survive, but thrives.

smiley - blacksheep

An unusual request

Post 3


Bizzare? Power is what you make of it and in reality how much power does even an Ed possess when decisions of any import must be vetted by the Italics? The position may not have come with power or influence but that doesn't preclude the right individual from taking it and making it so. That individual would speak for the site and act almost as a union rep between the powers that be, the Eds of the various entities that make up the official output and the researchers or at least that is what I envisioned. That is something that is lacking now and always has been, solidarity among the masses with a common voice to speak speak for them, a visable figure to rally around

I have nothing but love for H, heck, I traveled some distance just for the chance to meet her but we both know she's her for fun, strife such as this might bring the last thing she would want and as her friends something we would never wish upon her.

Now as far as the office of Vice President I concur with your assesment though I always envisioned you working beind the scenes a'la Kissenger in that post. Now there was a man who knew how to manipulate the forces of the world though I'll not cast my personal opinion as to his being right or wrong though props to him for preventing a nucular holocost during the Cuban missle crisis.

That you don't agree with my conclusion is understandable, we simply see things from a different perspective. My own view is that the progression this place is taking mirrors that of the British Empire, a once proud and mighty behemoth that slowly crumbled under it's own stoic resolve to remain unchanged in the face of time. Change is an essential component in growth, addaptation the difference between continued existence or extinction. And what is the state of this great experiment today? Are we h2g2 'The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything or are we h2g2, the Other Wikipedia?

Granted it's well documented that Wiki is rife with falsifications perpetrated for the selfish interests of some of its own contributers, a fate that is thankfully not a possibility under our own system of checks and balances. But, and this is a biggy, how many online contributer based 'Fact Only' guides does the net need? The winner will be the one with the most access to search engine resources, just as any other web based format. One must only look to the war that's shaping up between 'My Space' and 'Facebook' to make a comparison and in the case of our own competition. That some refuse to see this as competion is the main part of the problem as this a dog it dog, winner take all, survival of the fitest world world we live in and sadly we're already trailing.

Of course the solution is rather plain though it's not a new one by any stretch of the imagination, in fact it's something that would have occured should the founder still have been in a position to direct matters. Sadly that's not the case and we have to look at things from a buisness aspect rather than a philanthropic one but either way it still sells and rather easily at that.

We opperate in a nitche based economy, find yours and you stand to excell. So why is it that we as a completly different organism from Wiki, one with a community base rather than a collective are forceably required to follow a path which has us trailing by a sizable margin? Shouldn't we instead take a slightly different approach to redifine the original concept and thus grow rather than stagnate? The answer is yes, in fact it's a nessesity. Not that we'd fail on the web as an entity unto ourselves mind you but the all important buisness end rears it's ugly head in the form of we being at the mercy of a corporation and they only see one line, the bottom line.

Where is our place in the puzzle and how do we exploit it to our advantage is what we need to explore, find our own nitche and excell in that particular venue. What do we have that our competition lacks? Passion, creativity and a vibrant community made up of researchers from all walks of life, the entire human scope from which to draw knowledge and inspiration, each and every individual just that, an individual with a voice equal to each and every other. That we stiffle some of that very creativity with the constraints currently in place and rigidly enforced by our own 'fact only' base is our achilles heel and what I firmly belive to be our eventual downfall. Does it need to remain so? Hardly!

It's been postulated before that a linking of what we already have, ie; a fact based account of whatever subject is at hand along with a more liberal approach,ie; creative interpretation of fact based accounts for the purpose of createing more interest in said subject matter would not only garner a broader appeal from outside source but create new enthusiasum internally as well, a win-win situation brought about by doing what no other has nor is capable of doing, our own nitche and one not to be duplicated by any other. It's simply evolution, adapt and overcome to trive in a new enviroment. Still sound bizzare? Not if you're thinking it's not.

That you aren't willing to take up the reigns is totally understandle, the real world must always take precidence as I of all people can only agree with. Still, someone must and perhaps you might just have a candiate or two in mind, someone with the sand to take the ball and run it right down the throat of any and all opposition and yet with the sensibility and foresight to do it in such a fashion as to be palletable to the powers that be. A certain someone we know has both the knowlege and determination to do so and has fought battles along these lines in the past, someone with the desire to see EXACTLY this sort of progression take place. And who knows, maybe even an old attack dog or two could be lured back, those with the very self same determination to see things put right. You would know better than I, of that I am certain.

And with that I'll leave you be. Spy out.

An unusual request

Post 4


Rather than interupt other convos or worse yet disrupte the flow I'll give my take on what I see happening out and about. Of course I'll use SOP and leave things rather vauge so as not to offend anyone but trust you to be able to put 2+2 together. Besides, it smacks of those shows on TV where they say "The events are real, the names, dates and places have been changed to protect the innocent" smiley - biggrin

First and foremost I have noticed the old trend on site continues, that being any discussion of serious nature will quickly digress into a silly fest, nothing remaining of the original intent regardless of the importance that inspired it. What good is it to form groups if they fail to engage a larger audience than their own clique and end up as no more than a cyber version of a group hug? Hell, the initial group that started the push for more Guide entries is more concerned with creating badges to mark their involvement than they are recruiting volunteers to the cause said badges are supposed to represent! Typical hootoo and one of the prime reasons behind the situation as it stands today.

There are two 'Guides', both of relevence and both nessesary though not considered equal. To eliminate one and make the other all inclusive puts a great deal of fine writing as well as writers out in the cold. No matter how the rules change there will ALWAYS be things which will not fit the guidlines as they are either works of pure fiction or completly freeform in nature. I've read some fine poetry based on steel that would well fit into a more relaxed set of guidlines and be of credible importance as well as relevence but most entries in this veneue would not. Where would they go? Do we say to the authors of these "Your kind of writing is not welcome here"? Isn't that the very basis of the problem as it stands today?

Without such divisions the boundries become muddled to the point that the whole becomes unusable and rather than have a place where things completly outside of the borders have a place to be recognized and shine on their own merits they would simply slip between the cracks, unnoticed and unappreciated. To my mind that is a fate far worse than the situation as it stands today and I would be vehemetly opposed to any such action as dissolving the boundries between the guides. No, the solution is to put them on equal footing as both are of equal importance to the grand scheme of Life, The Universe and Everything. Never forget, it was a work of fiction that was the basis behind this great experiment to begin with.

I still see the need for a central force to polorize this movement and get the message across. The Post is a platform but just as any such publication be it here or RL it must remain unbiased to retain credability. So, how does one get the message out? The old "I tell two friends and then they tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on" thing is probley the best way, this leading to a movement becoming a trend and thus a greater force across a wider spectrum rather than just a narrow cross section. It'll take the efforts of all in the end rather than the same core group that usually ends up doing things to make this work.

The message must have a focus point that every researcher can see and visit or it will be interpreted as some sort of spam or role playing game. That central authority needs to be seen and felt so as to compell action is a governing rule whether you're running a factory producing widgets or organizing a relief effort in the Third World country of your choice. Imagine trying to run this place without the power stuctures already in place. Chaos on a grand scale, a giant playground with no rules other than survival of the fittest, the loudest or the most obnoxious.

That just about takes care of my primary I'll not leave without saying thanks though, not only to you but to those who have made a choice to help in this, perhaps the last and greatest effort to put things, not right but rather the way they should be.

smiley - fullmoon

An unusual request

Post 5


I hope you don't mind me entering this conversation, as it is a most fascinating one. Did this one come first or the Soul of the Guide one?

I can say from experience of dealings with Jodan in the past (which have become far too fleeting in recent times) that he is a most excellent leader - as I once remarked he a most "benevolent dictator" smiley - winkeye. His handling of the UnderGuide is the reason it endures to this day. Had certain other people taken it over, and I include myself in that list, I don't think it would be.

I've said a lot about the potential of h2g2, and I won't repeat it all here. Many people have said it before me, despairing at the inflexibility of the Guide. But I must agree with Spy's assertion that the community needs strong leaders who can rally the troops, so to speak - someone who can speak equally for the new and for the ones who've been there done that and watched the movie (I'm waiting for the UnderGuide story to come to DVD smiley - winkeye, the Post Story is still in pre-production smiley - tongueout). And I can think of fewer candidates better than Jodan.

Though I also agree with Jodan, that Hyp is the elected President, and a very nice lady to boot (whom I think I've accidently upset twice smiley - erm, but never meant to!). However whatever you call the position, Jodan you are an ideal candidate to lead the charge.

There are other people out there, but Jodan makes a great rallying cry, and if the Soul of the Guide thread is the rallying cry then I am happy to follow in line as one of the grizzled troops (Why do I always think in military terms? smiley - winkeye).

I appreciate that I am a strange footsoldier, and I've become a bit of a wandering hermit in H2G2 terms I guess. But when it comes down to it, if there is anything I can do to help H2G2 in crisis I would like to think I could always be counted on, as I did with the Post during the hiatus when for one very brief week I was joint-editor (which I'm still very proud of), and for the months to come as Art and fiction Editor, and the Installation of Echo as Editor (that sounds like she's an upgrade - maybe she was smiley - winkeye). As well of course of anything I did to support the founding of the UnderGuide.

So gentlemen, I very much support these movements you appear to be making, and I hope I can assist you in anyway possible. And also I would like, while I have the opportunity here, to state that I am very honoured to have spoken with Spy, as you are a most fluid user of the English language sir.

Good luck and I hope this is just the beginning of yet another chapter in the history of h2g2.

An unusual request

Post 6


This thread came first, Terran. Spy's got a good way of manipulating me, and this next post of his has got me thinking even more smiley - smiley

As for getting a message of a movement across, I have some thoughts. First, we need a movement, obviously, which has not yet happened.

smiley - blacksheep

An unusual request

Post 7


Did Spy used to be called Spynxx? Or letters to that effect? I recall him being a very devoted member of the mining team on the UnderGuide.

Those entries you've started writing though do seem a very good staring point for a movement. I'm also curious about your stance on what should be accepted in to the Edited Guide.

For example, would you have accepted this one : A846434 ?

That one didn't get through.

Though this one on bookcases (my first entry) did A848153, but with a lot of re-editing. See I might try my hand again at writing some more entries which stretch the Edited Guide, if you think it would be useful. If you could give me an idea of how you would like to stretch the Edited Guide?

An unusual request

Post 8


Yes, he did.

The 42 entry, there would be critiquing to be had, but I sure wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. I don't think it's unsuitable, just that it could be improved.

I'm not gonna tell people how to write. Write what you'd like to see in the Edited Guide. smiley - smiley I just wrote another journal on the subject. Do write, though.

smiley - blacksheep

An unusual request

Post 9


Oh I'll try and think of something obscure to write about and make it fun smiley - evilgrin

See another reason I asked about the 42 one, is they later accepted one : A19229763

I assume the other was a talk subject though, and certainly wouldn't question its validity. But it makes you think...

I think what people need more than anything is examples. Because a lot of older "stuck in their ways" types are going to wonder why what they've always been doing is potentially wrong... so if the movement can show new fresh entries, which challenge Peer Review it could be interesting.

I applaud your actions so far though. Definately on the right track in my opinion.

An unusual request

Post 10


Right Jodan I've made an entry called Hats in Doctor Who A29251758 , and I would very much appreciate it if you could give it the once over before I submit it to Peer Review (I won't keep asking you, I just wanted to see what you thought this time), as to whether you think it is something that with a little editing should get through. Cheers. smiley - earth

An unusual request

Post 11


Thanks Terran, it's nice not to be considered pretentious for possessing a vocabulary though a spell check feature would be a welcome aid. As it is now my dogeared copy of Webster's has to suffice just as it always has, call me old school I guess but that's just the sad and sorry fact of it.

Jordan, I've come up with a way to get the nonthinkers and uninspired to actually be forced into a bit of self examination. You'll find the body of it here A29473923 though I think it would be far better for you to post it as it's you who is the leader in this revolution. Obviously you'd best first ask the flippered one if using this particular entry is acceptable but if not simply insert one of your own choosing to the same effect.

My recomendation would be to hit it from all fronts simutaneously, Personal Journal, existing threads and as a new entry in the Talking Point forum to achieve the widest response and put everyone on the same point at the same time. Sure, it'll shake things up but it may get those already divided by party lines to have to think a bit and break from the mindsets of the various cliques that seem to control things. In the end we can only count on sound reasoning and a bit of soul searching to win the day.

That the times they are a'changing is quite obvious. Those in a position to make a final say have finally seen the light or are at least willing to admit it as evidenced by the creation of the latest talking point. It looks to me to be of a greater overall strategy on their part and bodes well for the movement as a whole. Not only does it get people excited, it gets them to thinking about change and open to the possibility of such, a very desirable attitude and one which will work to our advantage...just as I believe they intend. There's an end in sight and a good one to boot, not just on this issue but as an improvment to the site as a whole.

An unusual request

Post 12


Spy, I like your turn of phrase very much. I respectfully suggest that you post that on the threads you mention, for several reasons. For one, it shows a broader base of people willing to engage and discuss the issue from the open-minded end of things. For another, a lot of people have already heard me discuss this issue in similar terms. For yet another, I'd like to see you involved in these discussions. You can bet I'll be right behind you helping to defend your points as I see them, since we seem to see fairly well eye-to-eye on these things.

I've read the Dadd entry... I think around when it was put into the AWW, so it's been a while. I can't reread it now, as it's already past midnight and I haven't slept enough in the past three weeks. smiley - smiley However, I do remember it as being an impressive specimen. I'll have to reread it to decide if it's the very best example for what the EG should be promoting (I do remember knowing 0 about Dadd when I started the entry, and getting a real feeling, not just about him, but *for* him, by the end of it) but I think you're on to something. I seriously doubt that many of the Peers we need to convince would read it from start to finish, as a matter of practicality, but I would hope they do.

Revolutions or movements shouldn't have leaders by the way, I think. I just think of myself as someone talking more loudly than others. I was led to this cause through a lot of people... Pin, Waz, yourself, Ben, Deidzoeb, GTB, etc...


An unusual request

Post 13


The reason I suggested not posting myself has nothing to do with trepidation over the defense of my arguments. Rather it is that even at my most active I was an unknown in most quarters and after my departure dissappered off the radar completely. Mine is not a name recognized and as such I felt as if any statements coming from me would be ignored for the most part. Granted, my monicker appears in the first quarter inch (6mm for the metrically inclinedsmiley - winkeye) of the 'Who's Online' feature no matter the time of day and that I take pride in this is a guilty pleasure to be sure as I almost feel like an 'Old Hand'.

Still, if you think it best I have no qualms in doing so though I will remind you of the fact that I tend to get a wee bit aggresive when involved in an inspired debate. Obviously I'll try not to step on any toes but if the situation warrants I will not hesitate to grind those very toes into a bloody pulp beneath my heel. I will not apologize nor offer a bandage to the wounded if such occurs as war is hell and I am nothing if not a warrior who believes in his cause.

smiley - ermI left that rather than delete it even after rethinking because it's important that we both acknowledge the possibilty of such action occuring if some of the more belligerent of the opposition resort to throwing stones. Me, I always go straight for the Ballista and end the fight with a swift and decisive stroke.

smiley - wahSee, it's almost an automatic reflex! Oh well, I'm an adult and will do my utmost to reign in my emotion and check my aggression. It's just that I sometimes have difficulty maintaining patience with those who fail to be rational in their arguments such as we've witnessed already. In truth it's a waste of time to carry on ANY type of conversation with this sort as they tend to be unrelenting in their own stubborn refusal to weigh facts and debate in a civilized manner, a calm and measured resonse only encouraging the long distance barrage of inflamitory retoric that is in truth their only weapon.

Luckily it seems as if the voice of reason is indeed being heard...finally!!! I will await your call on if the entry in question is indeed the best example before posting and participating in what will ensue. In fact I'm actually looking forward to itsmiley - ok

An unusual request

Post 14


Go for it smiley - ok

An unusual request

Post 15


The current 'Talking Point', 'Ask' and for what it's worth My Journal so far. Any suggestions as to where else? I had considered Peer Review just for the impact but wasn't sure if this was the time or venue. What say you? The AWW is also an option and one which I think I'll take advantage of right now what with it being open to any old piece of rubbish, or so the narrow minded would have us believesmiley - winkeye

An unusual request

Post 16


Nah, leave it out of the Review Forums. Hopefully those three will expose it enough.

smiley - blacksheep

An unusual request

Post 17


And it just hit the AWW too! Honestly, this might get those who ignore the rest of the site involved, folks who may have a real stake in seeing things change. I added a note in the conversation section to the effect it was to stimulate debate only but will go yank it if you think it best.

An unusual request

Post 18


Constructive or Destructive?
Shazz's thoughts on reviewing, from 2005

A nice take on the review process as seen in most recent issue of The Post and well worth taking a look at. The date alone validates the length that this issue has been, well, an issue though we both realize it goes back further than that. I for one appreciate the subtlety of it's timely reprint and hats off to those at The Post for it smiley - ok

An unusual request

Post 19



An unusual request

Post 20


smiley - huhWhat, you expect me to be computer savvy? Hell, I had to have my son show me how to cut and paste again just since I've been back smiley - laugh

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