Not why but rather why not?

1 Conversation

The current topic, that of course being why there needs to be a reinterpretation of the Guidelines has been argued back and forth across h2g2 and really time itself if one considers how long this selfsame debate has actually raged. Rather than follow the same path as been tread for far too long I propose we look at it from a different angle. Rather than argue for a need to change I propose we instead look at this from the opposite end of the spectrum. I would like each and every single researcher to read the following and by saying read I mean just that, read it in entirety and then stop to contemplate before replying.


That fact that what you read never even made it to Peer Review but rather The UnderGuide tells the tale better than I possibly could, it's authors well versed from prior experience as to it's fate should that avenue be explored, that being what I refer to as the Mary and Joseph reply, "There's no room for YOU at the Inn, try the stable next door" Sad really and we are all the poorer for this being the norm rather than the exception. Aside from adding a listing of the ususal such a Place of Birth, Born/Died, etc. what more info could you ask for and in reality what more could you truly want or need?

Isn't the essence of The Guide to educate and inform, to inspire as it enlightens? What better way exists than to engage the reader, to draw their attention and most importantly hold it? Rather than petty debate over semantics shouldn't the focus be instead upon what really matters, the very reason behind why we, each and every single one of us who claims the title Researcher does what he or she does here? In the end it is the goal that is of the greatest import, not the the hows or whys nor the who's that get us there.

Don't you see, it's not change for the sake of change that's being debated but rather a new way of doing what is behind our guiding principles. Shouldn't we as conscientious adults want to do whatever we can to further these most noble goals, validate the effort we all put into making this place what it is today, a unique environment based on tolerance and education through knowledge and understanding? Let's all leave the rhetoric behind and do what we can to actually advance this great experiment and in doing so make the entire site a better place for us and in turn the world as a whole. Shouldn't that be our true goal, our primary guiding principle, our very reason for being?

It's quite simple in the end, the only real question here being in how you will answer and from where that answer comes. So, what will it be Reasearcher, more of the same or a new beginning for us as all?


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