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Post 1


Hello smiley - smiley
Do you not use this site anymore?? I read your read up and we sound very similar lol!!!
I also found your post on heroin really good, as i have also been involved in a relationship with a heroin addict.
Hope your doing well wherever you are, and life is treating you well


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Post 2

Ancient Brit

I believe that has long gone, he last posted: Jun 16, 2003

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Post 3


I hada feeling he had actually but i thought if he comes back on he'll see my post. Can you see the messages ive sent then? Sorry im new to all this and dont know what can be accessed and what cant. Or did you just see my comment under his article?
Thanks smiley - smiley

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Post 4


Is there anyway i can send messages privately?
Thanks smiley - smiley

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Post 5

Ancient Brit

You have done the best that you can by putting this message on his message board. It could be that this researcher has another ID on h2g2.
You could 'lurk' through the posts to see if it gives any clues, but it would be a bit of a drudge.

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