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Beware of the pills
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Started conversation Aug 27, 2002
I just wanted to say that. I just had to take this stupid drug class for probation. But it said some F*****d up stuff about pills and I assumed that's what your nickname is about.
Beware of the pills Posted Aug 27, 2002
ninebar refers to nine ounces of hash not anything to do with pills, sorry if i caused you to bark up the wrong tree, keep off the pills, toke de 'erb instead...
Beware of the pills
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Posted Aug 29, 2002
Sorry to misunderstand you. I am a proud and out smoken pot smoker, or was till the probation thing. It makes me want to go back to Amsterdam. I spent five days there once and would do almost any thing to go back.
Beware of the pills Posted Aug 29, 2002
cheers for msg, been takin all sorts since i was 14, im 35 now so bee a long time, seen new funky drugs like
mdma, whizz was replaced by base amphet, and now thers all the smack and coke heads only brfore found in cities but now in rural areas like wiltshire where i am. ill admit tho that i do the odd pill or line of chaz when im ravin but u can keep the base as it f**ks me up too much.
mostly smoke weed these days but sounds better....try rotterdam next time..its less commercial and much cheaper, better smoke etc...easy geezer...9bar
Beware of the pills
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Posted Aug 29, 2002
Not sure when the next time I will get to cross the drink. I am in the states and Texas no less! I hate it, some of the worst pot laws in the country. If I ever find a way back over I'd jumb on it in a second. I need to at least go to Cali or something. TX is just about no fun. To much space and too many bored cops. Oh, and too many cowboys. I do not own a house or cowboy booys or a ten gallon hat. I have long hair and stick out like a sore thumb. I have a week reprive to Florida, my birthplace, next month. I quit smoking for probation, but it didn't hurt that is as dry as a bone since 9-11.
I tell you the drug class was funny. You remember the propaganda of Hitler? That had nothing on the falsehoods they were trying to pass off as 'truths.'
Beware of the pills
Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels Posted Aug 29, 2002
Beware of the pills Posted Aug 29, 2002
wher im from in the wiltshire countryside we have a legacy of festivals like glastonbury and stonehenge, so these days of raves and clubs the wilts scene is one of free parties with huge sound systems
attracting 1-2000 people, usualy held on private farm land so the pigs cant shut them down. we do this as we dont have the luxury of the flash london clubs but thats the bonus, no glo sticks or smiley faces, just proper ravers stompin against the society that shuns for pot, its all skunk weed, very good with cool climates because of its wide leaves, very strong s**t, not many people smoke hash these sorry for you havin to share your air with red-necks and good ole boys, cant stand so-called patriots that are nothing more than facists in stetsons...just gonna get off and roll a fat one, so laters geezer, ..anarchy/peace/ u see me use one of those poxy smiley faces then shoot me please.
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Beware of the pills
- 1: Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels (Aug 27, 2002)
- 2: (Aug 27, 2002)
- 3: Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels (Aug 29, 2002)
- 4: (Aug 29, 2002)
- 5: Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels (Aug 29, 2002)
- 6: Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels (Aug 29, 2002)
- 7: (Aug 29, 2002)
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