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manda1111 Started conversation Aug 25, 2002
Hi, Welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not really but thats another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am an "ACE", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around, there is always something going on here to please every one if you know were to find it, if you can click on this number >> A725500, were Rocket Man has made a page for new Researcher's to look at, or this number >> A534953 which will take you to Shea's List 'o Links. If you want to brighten up you page you could always look at this page >> A690518 , If you need any more help or just want to talk then do not hesitate to ask, you can leave me a message on my page by clicking on this number >> U193090 , or by clicking on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page, and I will get back to you,
And if you think you will be a nuisance you wont be, I am trying to be a Guru which is the next step up from ACE, so I need to know more than I do now, so the more you ask the more I have to go and find out
Speak to you later
have some and a cup of
to keep you going.
speak to you later <ok
Hi Posted Aug 29, 2002
hi manda, thank you for your warm welcome, im sure you'l become a guru very soon. got this link via e-mail
on the telewest cable service so im not on pc...have to say i wont be using h2g2 very seriously, just maybe to find info and to add the odd comment here and there...will say the censorship is quite tight, my article on how to get into glastonbury for free without causing trouble is still being reveiewed and i find it odd that the piece i wrote on cooking with cannabis was refused
yet ther are loads of entries advocating the rolling of joints etc...this puzzles me...why do more subversive materials get thru?.....maybe its all politics....if you could find out id be very recipie for cosmic yoghurt is legendary, id hate for the world to be denied it!!...cheers manda....take care...warren..x
manda1111 Posted Aug 31, 2002
sorry it has taken me so long getting back to you,me and loup dargent are just starting a new page for LD visitors and BIGIBOX users like your self,it is nothing speical at the moment as we have just started it but if you want to have a look it is here >> U201567
as for the cannabis articles, there is a fine line between facts and showing how to break the law,
eg,you could say were cannabis is grown (That would be a fact )
then you could say how to get it here with out being court ( That might also be a fact, but it might also be seen as telling someone how to break the law )
And as this is the BBC I think that they have to be carfull on what they accept and what thay dont,
hope this has helped
Hi Posted Aug 31, 2002
thank for replying......good luck with ur for the cannabias thing, if thats the case then i want the article on how to roll a joint removed as was my how to make cosmic yoghurt...i see no difference.........cheers....x
manda1111 Posted Sep 1, 2002
if you want to ask about your entry, you could start by asking here A785216
let me know how you get on
Hi Posted Sep 2, 2002
cheers mand, your a star, and no mistake!..will keep u posted, off for a quick spliff....laters...x
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