Journal Entries

A humble advert....

This is the first time in a fort-night that "The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute" has been shown and so I humbly advertise this next part : Part 4 (A995844)

Although not required, I would be glad if anyone who reads it just leaves their mark at the bottom e.g. smiley - footprints
smiley - ta

Verc smiley - fullmoon

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2003

Something in the air...

Without going in to too many details, there appears to be something in the air at the moment. People are quitting left right and center, people I know in real life are on the verge of losing or leaving their jobs. And there is also something going on in the world in general and not just the "I***" word. What is going on???

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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2003

While I'm in a good mood...

I'd just thought I'd say I think you're all great smiley - ok Since I've been on here I've met some incredible people, and would just like to say to all those who have me on their friends list, thanks smiley - cheers

What brings on this good mood I hear you say? I've just got two pieces of coursework done in advance, so I'm in a good mood. And with my avg in the high 60's now, I'm fairly chuffed.

But enough about me. Hootoo people are great people, every one smiley - biggrin (Even the sane ones smiley - winkeye)

Vercingetorix smiley - fullmoon

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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2003


Curious? smiley - erm

Click here to find out more - A986150

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Latest reply: Mar 6, 2003

The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Its finally here at A972920 (don't be put off by the name thats there smiley - smiley) in <./>thePost</.>. Theres still a few minor details, like the regular picture that will be used. Anyway read and enjoy(hopefully smiley - smiley). Any comments, critisisms, complements and questions are all welcome smiley - smiley

Vercingetorix smiley - fullmoon

Discuss this Journal entry [12]

Latest reply: Feb 20, 2003

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