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The Clans of Triven

If you wish to start a Clan go here : F1711203?thread=382689

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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2004

The Soldiers of Triven

Your attention is requested to have a look at A2156401 . They are a noble group of soldiers, looking for challenges and ways to improve themselves.

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 2003

Read the Christmas edition of the Post!

Go on what are you waiting for? If only for the cartoons, read <./>thePost</.> smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2003

The King's and Queen's of Hootoo

Just starting up a group A2091179

You ever wanted to be King of Normandy, or Mars?

Whatever, leave your request. But remember there can only be one king and one queen for any one place (and you can only be a king or queen if you are actually a man or woman respectively).

Verc smiley - goodluck

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2003


I don't know why, but this years Rememberance Sunday seemed to have an added poiniency this year. I think its to do with the Iraq conflict.

There hasn't been death in our family from military conflict in 85 years, and so why I feel so strongly about it now I'm not sure. Its just that particularly the last conflict seemed so pointless.

Its still going on! And people are still dying!

Its tragic. People don't learn the lessons of the past do they? Or do they just choose to ignore them when it suits them?

I don't suppose anything will match the battle of the Somme or Antietam/Gettysberg (I certainly hope not!), but this war was not necesary. Not all options had been considered, no alternative ways seemed to have been looked at. It was as if this was their only option. It was not.

I would not volutarily decide to be a soldier, because I feel I have more value alive than dead. I believe that of any human being.

But today also made me think about the people who are fighting. Why are they fighting? I mean at home there a little kids setting off fireworks in telephone boxes, and smashing up bus-shelters in the very place they are trying to protect. How can we claim higher morality over any other country when we have these major problems?

But, that said things could be a lot worse. And we have these brave souls who have risked, and frequently laid down, their lives to thank for that.

I know this sounds like I'm preaching, but these are major issues. And they are not going to be solved easily. But war is evil. Personally I believe in self defence, not pre-emtive self defence. War is evil. It ruins lives, it burns countries and destroys the soul of a society.

I probably haven't added much (if anything) to what has been said before on this issue, but it is something that is close to my heart.

I will remember them.

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2003

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