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Not full of the joys of spring...
Terran Started conversation May 20, 2008
And I don't know why. Well I know part of the reason, but I shouldn't be this down. I'll be back up tomorrow I know. It just seems to help to do a bit of yelling into cyberspace.
My computer isn't working well. I'm trying to get it fixed, but the connection keeps cutting out, and it sounds like its dying, so I have to keep doing a system restore, which isn't really working for some reason. I should have fixed this before now, but I just don't have the time to do anything about it. Except for moan apparently.
I'm normally pretty happy, and given that potential changes (work wise anyway) are on the horizon, I should be more up. But I'm not. I guess I'm just exhausted. Its been a hell of a year. Its been a hell of a four years if I'm honest. I feel a little like I'm stepping out in to the light of potential for the first time in years. I've been writing 2005 on documents lately for some bizarre reason. Maybe thats to make up for 3 years lost. Well they're not really lost, I've done a lot of important things in that time, and met a lot of important people. But I just feel I should have been able to do a lot of this stuff a lot sooner.
I'm an inherently moral person, very moral actually. And maybe I'm just sick of trying to be something I'm not. I'm an engineer at heart, I've said it for a long time. I should be building things, making things better - maybe in a way I am. I am a teacher after all. But I really don't know how much difference I'm making any more.
Anyway I'm sorry if I'm filling up your conversations with this crap, I'm just feeling a little crap at the moment. As always people I'll be back fighting the demons once more in no time - I've just got to beat a few (hundred) personal ones first.
Not full of the joys of spring...
Thorn Posted May 21, 2008
I too have about 2 or 3 of said personal demons left to beat to the ground once and for all...
who said you were supposed to like spring every spring in the first place?
Not full of the joys of spring...
Skankyrich [?] Posted May 22, 2008
I understand, as far as can be expected, this and the last journal.
If you can, Terran, take a break altogether. Get away and do something you love; tell close friends and family what you're doing, then switch your phone off and get away to the Lake District for a huge walk or get to London and see some shows or do whatever relaxes you. Do it now. The weekend is tomorrow, and it's a long one. Clear your head.
Not full of the joys of spring...
Terran Posted Jun 3, 2008
Thanks guys. Hopefully things are beginning to look a little brighter... just a matter of patience.
But thank you again for your support
Not full of the joys of spring...
Skankyrich [?] Posted Jun 4, 2008
I hope so, Terran. I hope our project hasn't put any extra pressure on you as well - I felt a bit bit guilty about that. We can come back to it in a week, or a month, or a year
Not full of the joys of spring...
Terran Posted Jun 13, 2008
No you guys haven't put any extra pressure on. Any extra pressure is my own fault, and not really managing my time as well as i could have done... although theres not much I could have predicted this yeat.
Though as of the week after next, things will become suddenly more manageable (or so I hope!). I was hoping the project would have been out of the way before the chaos struck, but then even the best of us can't predict technical problems, which somewhat set me back. Though I'm hopeful things will get more on track.
With regards to that, obviously I don't want to say too much on site, but I'm guessing with your temporary relinquishing of the Post, means that you're no longer in charge. In which case is it better that I keep hold of any stuff I do until such point that you might be more predisposed as to do something about it? Or should I still pass it on to the current incumbent?
Hopefully we can keep the project going, as I would like to see a conclusion to it, however long delayed that may be
Not full of the joys of spring...
Skankyrich [?] Posted Jun 15, 2008
If you were planning to proceed as we discussed, keep hold of it. I'll be back in a couple of issues, anyway If you do manage to get the next one sorted out, email it on to me because I do have a little time to work on stuff, but I'm much more reachable by email at the moment.
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Not full of the joys of spring...
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