This is the Message Centre for The Owl and the Pussycat
Hi The Owl and the Pussycat....
manda1111 Started conversation Aug 24, 2002
Hi The Owl and the Pussycat, Welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not really but thats another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am an "ACE", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around, there is always something going on here to please every one if you know were to find it, if you can click on this number >> A725500, were Rocket Man has made a page for new Researcher's to look at, or this number >> A534953 which will take you to Shea's List 'o Links. If you want to brighten up you page you could always look at this page >> A690518 , If you need any more help or just want to talk then do not hesitate to ask, you can leave me a message on my page by clicking on this number >> U193090 , or by clicking on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page, and I will get back to you,
And if you think you will be a nuisance you wont be, I am trying to be a Guru which is the next step up from ACE, so I need to know more than I do now, so the more you ask the more I have to go and find out
Speak to you later
have some and a cup of
to keep you going.
speak to you later <ok
Hi The Owl and the Pussycat....
The Owl and the Pussycat Posted Aug 27, 2002
Thanks Manda,
I'm still finding out more myself by just exploring. I'll give you a shout if I need any help.
Hi The Owl and the Pussycat....
The Owl and the Pussycat Posted Aug 28, 2002
Hello again Manda,
I've a jolly good sniff about now, and I think I get the general idea of what's going on round here. I do have a couple of questions though. Maybe you can help.
I wrote a piece on an old recipe for Mushroom Stroganoff last week, and submitted it for Peer review. They said it was too funny for them, and would I mind taking it away because their sides were hurting. When I asked where I should out it, they suggested the Alternative Writing workshop. So I went there, and then absolutely nothing happened for three days. While I appreciate that the Peers are far to busy to laugh at something, at least I got a reaction in the Peer review. So I'm very tempted to put my piece up for review in there again. What do you think? Or is there somewhere else I could try?
Another thing. It seems that there's more going on here than just people writing and reviewing. Is there such a thing as a forum on here where you can just have a little chit chat with people who might like you? Where do the ACEs hang out, for example.
OK, that's enough questioning for now. Hope you're well. I'm off to feed the cat.
Hi The Owl and the Pussycat....
manda1111 Posted Aug 28, 2002
HI I have had a look here >> <./>RF5</.> in the Alternative Writing Workshop and yours is there waiting for review, I think it is just a case of waiting now for it to put in the <./>Thepost</.> I will find out more for you.Have you hade a look at the Writing-Guidelines , that might tell you why they said put it in the Alternative Writing Workshop
If you write something interesting on you page (if you need any help just ask ) some might come and start to talk to you there,you could also have a look at the club that are about >> A660340 and join in them,( this a good one >> A703126 , you can click on any ones name that you see this will tack to there page and you can start a conversation there
I hope this has been of some help to you, if you need any more help just ask
I will speak to you later
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Hi The Owl and the Pussycat....
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