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Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 121


37 gallons

[This summer will be the strangest expedition it's concievable to plan, whilst we'll be totally unprepared for the temperate as well as the unusually tropical wide-ranging diseases of the bowel luckily not found where careful planning ensures that all such maladies have been irradicated from the vicinity, we hope that Disneyland, which unlike some other torture chambers can be simply replicated without resorting to the somewhat primitive ploy of glueing fluffy pink lacey petticoats onto the electric powered gyrating studded, luminous and embarassingly garish pair of aquamarine leather skullcaps suitably positioned so as to look attractively yet repulsively sexy, whatever the jaunty little captain says to his vaguely interested crewmembers who predictably, immedeately confusing matters volubly, suddenly burst forth from the squalid, fetid, shadowy galley demanding immediate 2.5% of the remaining 37 gallons.....]

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 122

Pat Pending

,6 fl. oz.

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 123



Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 124

Pat Pending


Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 125



Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 126

Pat Pending


[That's me done: football calls. It's been a pleasure]

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 127


Full stop.

[This summer will be the strangest expedition it's concievable to plan, whilst we'll be totally unprepared for the temperate as well as the unusually tropical wide-ranging diseases of the bowel luckily not found where careful planning ensures that all such maladies have been irradicated from the vicinity, we hope that Disneyland, which unlike some other torture chambers can be simply replicated without resorting to the somewhat primitive ploy of glueing fluffy pink lacey petticoats onto the electric powered gyrating studded, luminous and embarassingly garish pair of aquamarine leather skullcaps suitably positioned so as to look attractively yet repulsively sexy, whatever the jaunty little captain says to his vaguely interested crewmembers who predictably, immedeately confusing matters volubly, suddenly burst forth from the squalid, fetid, shadowy galley demanding immediate 2.5% of the remaining 37 gallons, 6 fl.oz. of liquidised Yak.]

Cheddar Gorge VI, this way ----> F98901?thread=244283

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 128


Strewth, as OOV would say, WHWH? You sneaked this one in, Peter!

[This summer will be the strangest expedition it's concievable to plan, whilst we'll be totally unprepared for the
temperate as well as the unusually tropical ...]


smiley - redwine

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 129

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hey! who let Pat Pen Liquidise me Yak?

smiley - fairy

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 130

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

It's OK akira, been to the Magic Shop and all is restored - sticky moment though...

smiley - fairy

Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 131


Hello Moira smiley - rainbow
Now, here's something I don't say often....I'm confused. smiley - online2long

Do you want to start CG V:Holidays again (which if fine by me, don't get me wrong) or would you rather join us with Colin the Monk on Mycelium's page?

Anyway, what have you and OOV been up to lately. Email me with all the details....smiley - tongueout

smiley - redwine
smiley - cheers


Cheddar Gorge V: Where I'm Going On Holiday

Post 132


Sorry, Peter,

I'm the one that was confused! Still am actually. However, onwards & upwards - see you on the MyC Monk Saga & will e-mail you later, after I've eaten.

Moira smiley - blush

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