Journal Entries

Back to my proboscus on the whirling sandstone.

I managed to pack a whole Summers vacation into a week. Visiting, fishing, museum visits, new friends and fantastic meals all in 8 days.
I watched my sister a brother-in-law slowly add to their renovated 1911 home (old here) which was barged up from Victoria to the Gulf Islands four years ago, got warmed by the sun while fishing for cod and salmon, sampled lamb, cod cheeks and venison, went to this:
where among other things I saw this:
which I had already seen some of in the British Museum.

Drank far too much although some of it were some excellent single-malts and some new ciders-
Which I thoroughly enjoyed (more than once).

All in all a good trip (Vancouver Island from Denman Island to Victoria)

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2009

Salad Days

Ah Summer!

Why does happen just when I'm ready for a ?

I mean, the always seems to be , no matter what of I

It's lik I don't have enough

smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2009

Father of the Bride

I am the proud father of three wonderfully talented and intelligent young ladies, the eldest of which became a bride this weekend. Now it could be argued that I leaned toward a son originally (I named her partly with another language's word for *Sun*), I have been more than happy and very proud to have my baby girl all grown up into a dazzling adult. As I tried to tell her as I walked her down the (garden) path to her husband-to-be, the last time I was that happy and proud was when she was born.

I have of course inherited another family, with multiple brothers and a myriad of relatives. I kind of like that part, my family has always been small and tight, it will be a breath of fresh air to even have the option of attending the few mass family events I foresee.

Anyway, the event of the wedding was spectacular, as I would expect from my three artists. I'll post wedding picture site address(es) as they appear. All in all I'm a happy pappy, stirred but not shaken and all around tired (quarter to three am here). This a day after the fact.

Oh, and my one father-of-the-bride toast joke bombed. That's what you get when you try to make a pun out of the groom's family name....smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers to all and to all a good night.

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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2009

A Cold, Hard Lot

Fifteen minutes into Michael Jackson's death and the cafeteria crowd had already come up with four jokes. Given that most of them are Newsies and in fact the jokes weren't half bad, I do work with some cold, calloused souls.

What were the jokes? I'll just say it began when it was announced that he had lost most of his brain function and someone mentioned a new career in Country music. smiley - ill

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2009

Remember when.....

Clem had a daydream, a daydream from heaven
Picked up the headline, his country was made up of singers
And no more right-wingers
He wakes up to "Homeless are stupid, welfare is stupid
Private investment, efficiency, cool fiscal plannin'"
Sounds like more Pat Buchanan
Back in his day job this afternoon
Unlikely he'll move down to Cuba soon
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again
Clem reads of the old days, twenty years goes a long ways
"Challenge the system!" Relating is easy on a demo
Now they'll send it by memo
'Cause there's no need for the peace sign, post-republican "Peace time"
Join the parade, wave the flag, tell the world it's your lackey
Abbie Hoffman was wacky
Riding the bike to his foreign car
Burning his mind in his VCR
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again
and he's lots...
don't you know what it's like to be lost?
and older... "tears on his shoulder"
real men are BOLDER!!
Soon I'll be 30, I don't want to be 30
I've got some big plans, Goodwill has some big hands
With each new computer screen, the world tells me I'm more green
Buy a new Game Boy!
For the fun and the fashion... just for the passion
Back in his day job this afternoon
Unlikely he'll move down to Cuba soon
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again
White lies, rich guys hoarding a big prize
We've got work to do
Reluctant to find he's stuck in the '90s again

Copyright Moxy Fruvous

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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2009

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