Journal Entries

The Return.

Well my friends I return from La Belle France thoroughly refreshed and ready for the good fight.

The holiday, despite the cool and oftimes damp weather, was excellent. Much cheap red wine was drunk, wonderful french food consumed and my son managed to keep the trips to the 'Urgences' (French Casualty) to just one - a record indeed smiley - ok.

We picked about a hundredweight of sweet chesnuts and walnuts from our friends' trees. Which we have subsequently imported and sahred about. The sangliers (wild boar) were active and we even caught a few glimpses of them in the evenings.

Samhain was spent in quiet reflection in the woods and was very productive (more on that for you fellow pagans at another time I think).

Matholwch, cool, calm and collected /|\.

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Latest reply: Nov 4, 2003

Samhain Holiday

Samhain is almost upon us, autumn is in full glory and the geese are flying south. Thus we shall do likewise and head for the sun.

Yes, it is time for our annual holiday and we’re off to our friend’s mountain lodge in the Languedoc in the South of France. For ten days we shall be beyond the reach of all the toys our civilisation take for granted. No phone or internet access, no television or radio, just a well stocked CD player. The world can go to hell in a handcart as far as we’re concerned!

We are staying in three and a half acres of woodland and pasture. There are sweet chestnut trees that produce a huge crop this time of year. Each chestnut the size of a plum. There are walnut trees and the fields are awash with fresh, wild mushrooms. In the evenings the wild boar come down to root and graze around the lodge.

The local wine is excellent and comes in plastic demijohns (holding about 5 litres, yes that’s nearly seven standard bottles) for 3 euros, 20 cents (that’s £2 folks, or $3). The local boulangerie is a twenty minute stroll and supplies fresh croissants, brioche and baguettes all day long.

The temperature will be in the high 20’s (70’s Fahrenheit) and generally sunny. It’s about ten degrees warmer on the coast, which is an hour’s drive away and pretty deserted this time of year.

I would be lying if I said I’ll be thinking of you all. I doubt I’ll be thinking of much at all other than what’s for lunch and shall I play football with the kids this afternoon or finish that novel in the hammock while they go mad in the woods.

I’ll be back in town at the beginning of November, so until then, aurevoir.

Matholwch /|\.

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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2003

Moving is a crushing bore....

Hi all,

Well I'm back, a week later than expected but vitae interruptus etc.

The move went swimmingly until I managed to bring the tail lift of the hired van down on my left foot. Result = a week off work with four crushed toes, and the move slowed down to a crawl, literally.

Other than that the new house is excellent, and the opportunity for a thorough life laundry was not missed. We filled the equivalent of two full-sized skips with detritus. Much of it went to the Red Cross (clothes, baby things, old paperbacks etc).

The house is still full of boxes though and I've had to board the loft to create storage space, but hey we're collectors, in-house recyclers smiley - biggrin.

Here's hoping you all had a great time without me. You'll forgive me if I don't spend this week reading backlogs, but just get on with matters at hand smiley - ok.

Matholwch /|\.

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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2003

Off for a bit.

Well chaps and chapettes smiley - biggrin,

I'll be outta here for a few days as I am moving house this weekend. To keep you amused I present the following:

Selling faith by the pound.

It’s sin that sells, the Vicar said,
And hellfire and damnation.
Keeps the pews all filled up,
With a fearful congregation.

No, its guilt that sells, the Rabbi said,
And mother’s kosher nosh.
Give them one day off a week,
When they can dress up posh.

Jihad sells, the Imam said,
Don’t listen to that Rabbi.
It’s a pity about the alcohol,
So I’ll just have half a pint.

Harmony sells, the bald monk said,
And it’s the key to happiness.
The punters love the tantric sex,
Whilst wearing an orange dress.

Sex does sell, the priestess said,
If you just have the knack.
And no matter what the rede requires,
We all look good in black.

Bollywood sells, the Yogi said,
And the Kama Sutra too.
If you’d like another god,
We’re not short a few.

Freedom sells, said the medicine man,
And lots of drums and dancing.
So come smoke the pipe of peace,
And then we’ll all be trancing.

Magic sells, the wizard said,
It gives you a sense of power.
Oh I wish I lived in Crowley’s days,
With young virgins to deflower.

Leather sells, the heathen said,
And all the Viking gear.
The Chainmail undies chafe a bit,
But hey there’s lot’s of beer.

Stone circles sell, the druid said,
They’re mysterious and chunky.
But we tend to take too many herbs,
Which is why we’re all so funky.

You’ve nothing I’d buy, the atheist said,
Not clothes, nor sex nor grub.
But we all blessed him just the same,
And went off down the pub.

Matholwch /|\.

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Latest reply: Sep 18, 2003

A Guide Entry

Well I finally did the thing and sent it off for peer review this morning. Any of you Aces out there like to tell me how long these things tend to take?

I've also posted it on my page.

What is 'it'? Oh sorry, scatti mio. An introduction to Modern Druidry, for all of you who have been as kind to ask me for more details on my path. Hope you like it.

Matholwch /|\.

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2003

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Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

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