Journal Entries

My Birthday

I am 19 today. Woohoo.

In other news, rag week starts on Monday, so I'll be online even less than usual.

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2005

I heard this great joke

George Bush payed some sort of visit to a school to show the kids that he was not an evil bastard as all the newspapers were calling him. Anyway, when he got there, he decided to talk to the children about 'tragedy.'

Bush: "Can anyone tell me what a tragedy is?"

Little Johnny: "I know, Mr. President! A tragedy would be if my best friend was run over by a car and killed."

Bush: "No, that would be an accident. Anyone else?"

Little Mary: "Mr. President, I think it would be a tragedy if a school bus full of kids went off a cliff and they all died."

Bush: "No, that would be a great loss."

Little Chris: "Ooo, ohh, pick me! I know, I know! A tragedy would be if you and Mrs. President were flying on Air Force One, but it was hit by a missile and you both were killed!"

Bush: "Why yes, exactly! That would be a great tragedy. Now can you tell the other boys and girls why it would be such a tragedy?"

Chris: "Because it wouldn't be an accident or a great loss."

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Latest reply: Jan 16, 2005

Finally, Ireland Goes Metric

It was supposed to happen last September, but the government delayed it for five months in order to tell people about it. Last week, they started running TV ads and sending leaflets to people's homes. The change is supposed to come in in one week, though last night, I saw the first sings. Literally. After all these years, our speed limit signs are at last changing from miles to kilometres.


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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2005

The Storm Is Over...Maybe

Over the last few weeks, two things have been going around. One is influenza. The other is wind.

Ireland has been buffetted by stormy weather for some time now, but yesterday was the worst. Official gale force winds meant that travel was difficult, and a lot of places were closed. My sister got a half day off school due to the storm, and I almost wasn't able to get into my new year class party because the place was all sandbagged down. Sandbags in Ireland...Now that I have never seen before.

Seriously, the wind was dangerous. Today, however, is perfectly calm. Is the storm over? Or are we just in the eye? I hope it's the first one.

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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2005


Is it me, or are women wearing skirts and dresses a lot more lately? And if they are, why?

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 2004

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