This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

Mickey the Hill

Post 1


so, he's been back again, has he?

I went to look at my 'why does anyone...' thread, but it's been pulled. spoilsports! I was about to login as 'Jesus' again and threaten to get Dad onto him. oh, well...

Mickey the Hill

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Duw Duw - that man is a nutter! He said he was going to 'lick your butt'! I don't think so!

Apparently he was back for 3 days - the tone of his posts had degenerated even further!

He really upset Istvn and that upset me - so I attempted to bring him to his knees with kindness and concern for his welfare!

Andrew Pandy did stirling work too - but the whole lot was pulled because we were contributing to an ugly situation...a point of sorts I suppose.

By the way I had an e-mail from OOV - he has been sent to sunnier climes by HRH gov. and may be some time - but says he will try to keep in touch if poss. He said for me to say goodbye to everyone for him.

smiley - fairy

Mickey the Hill

Post 3

Scarlet Woman

oops! sorry Duw Duw - that was meant to read 'Kick your Butt' - now that's not quite so scary is it!

smiley - fairy

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