This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

Well Hell Low

Post 1


aha, found you at last. Bloody Running Dog!

I came here to h2g2 to investigate the recent dissapearances from MC-H & QQ. On my return, I found that my bbc 'cookie' had been overwritten and I had to re-register. What a bummer!

anyway, just thought I'd say hello. au revoir

Well Hell Low

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Blimey Mycelium!

What have you done you little smiley - devil. The Mods have hidden your intro!

Perhaps you are the smiley - runing smiley - dog?

Hope they don't detain you for too long...

I'm having a spot of bother with a hoax virus which made me delete a file which I now can't restore smiley - wah!

See you on @ MC-H!

The Scarlet smiley - fairy ness.

Well Hell Low

Post 3


I've got it sorted now, CG. The mod squad took exception to a bit of Welsh on my intro page, said they gotta screen "foreign" languages.

I was a bit put out at first, after all, we pay the licence fee in Wales too. Not to mention that Welsh is my first language and that the law says it and English should be treated equally. Foreign my arse!

I'll catch you later

Well Hell Low

Post 4

Scarlet Woman

Ah Ha! 'tis Duw Duw!

I was going to suggest you get in touch with him!!!

Silly fool that I am. smiley - jester

Have you found the smiley - runing smiley - dog yet? I think only Mestinqua will be able to flush him out!

I hope the Mods grovelled re. Welsh language on the board!

Bye - I tried to find it in Welsh - but I didn't have the right kind of support!

smiley - fairy

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