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I have just sent off an e-mail to a program called [email protected], regarding the lack of circumspection exhibited by one of their News-readers. In discussing a Bikini competition, over a backdrop video of scantily fleshed and dressed ladies, he commented that there was even a 70 year old competitor. He went on to say..."We don't want to see that one", or words to that effect. What can we, John Q. Public, do about such lack of manners?

My wife of fifty years, happens to have retained most of her charms and would look great in a Bikini, and, despite fighting off the ravages of Glaucoma and Diabetes, still looks and acts extremely youthful.

Duels are not in fashion these days so, with what recourse is one left? A letter to the 'Times' isn't acceptable either. Thank goodness for our only salvation: h2g2.

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Latest reply: Aug 16, 2002

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