This is the Message Centre for FALLENANGEL

thanx kow and loup!!

Post 1


got ur msgs!went to make myself a ld member on ere,if u know what i mean but ive found the smileys and keep getting lost in them!!!
it wont let me do em,watch!smiley - biggrinsee it aint done owt,think its time i went 2 bed but ill suss it all out 2moro!ha ha

thanx kow and loup!!

Post 2

Loup Dargent

err... fraulein angler... you actually did a smiley...smiley - laugh...

they don't appear while typing the message but you can check if they will show by using "preview messages" then you will see your text before you send it... it can be useful at times are it's easy to forget one letter in the smiley - bleeping smileys... hehe...

talk later

Sir loupsmiley - fullmoon

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