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MY MS Progression

Post 1


MY MS Progression
07/ 08/2005

I have been using fps online games to monitor my progression in my hands, eye-hand coordination, and reflexes. It has been serving me well since being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 05/1/2001, at that time I was enrolled in a computer networking course.
When diagnosed my hands (left 10/10,right 8/10), ,eye-hand coordination 10/10, and reflexes 10/10, is a good base. When playing I run a better than500 ratio 10 kills/8-9 deaths.

In 2003/2004 progression minimal with nothing of note,kill/death ratio closer to 10/10.

At time of writing this progression is doing what it does, progress. Hands(left6/10 right 2-3/10), eye-hand coordination 6-8/10, and reflexes 7/12.
The pain that is constant since 1996 is increasing with an speeding up noticed was 5/10, now 8/10.

No treatments available, although I am taking Imuran to lower my white blood cell count. The other medications are for pain and mood alteration, they include codeine and gabapentin mainly, with a small addition of others.

MY MS Progression

Post 2


wow, I haven't realized how bad I have gotten in just 2yrs.
My reflexes are so bad that I have given up trying to play seriously.

MY MS Progression

Post 3


I have taken back to playing fps, mainly to track progression. I am back to playing Call of Duty. United Offensive. I played it when it came out in 03.

I still play but not anywhere close to the level that I played at three years ago, when I last played. The most noticeable is eye/ hand coordination or should I say lack there of. I have not gotten beaten so badly that I will just quit, but there are times...
smiley - zen
smiley - towel


MY MS Progression

Post 4


lol, I still play... my attention span is bad, I will be able to fin this entry tomorrow when I am more awake than I am now.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel
I remembered the code.

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