This is the Message Centre for pedboy

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Post 1


Thx for this useful help/welcome message! The main reason for joining h2g2 is how D.N.Adams make me smile everytime i read his books, and so its my way to say thanks for all the great stuff.

I must apologize for my written and spoken english, i´m no native speaker, but i try to give my best. (I can read and understand writings much better!)

have a nice life!


Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 2


Hi supergrover,and thank you.
What is your native language? Your written english is very good.
I am here to help you with any questions you may have about h2g2, so if in need just ask.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 3


Hello pedboy,
my native language is german.

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