This is the Message Centre for pedboy

Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 1


Hi Pedboy,

I seem only to converse with you when a problem crops up. If you find it annoying, please feel free to tell me to p**s off.

How can I set the infinite improbability drive in my personal space? It's not like I can name the page. Or can I?

Yours, frankbooth

Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 2


Hi frankbooth.

Cut and paste this code into your home page.

Infinite Improbability Drive

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 3


Hey pedboy,I have noticed I got another welcome from u to RUDEST ELF? this time,but it has appeared on my space as 1 did b4,but I aint returned a reply so u can see it....y is this please ??..also,another convo is s "time"....this has got me puzzled cos I dunno RUDEST ELF either !!

Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 4


I dunno, I was just doing my job.smiley - erm
I will look into it.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel
smiley - dontpanic


Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 5


Pedboy, thanks for the code. Much appreciated, frankbooth.

Leave a note for pedboy®

Post 6


Your welcome frank, I've used it on my page now also.smiley - biggrin So ,thank you.smiley - cheers

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


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