This is the Message Centre for pedboy

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 1


Hmmm,,very intersting!

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 2


smiley - cheers

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 3


This is new 2 me on here and it's doing my head in..there is so much info 2 take in.. :o(

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 4


Don't even know where 2 start. :o(

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 5


Thanx hun, but please tell me that a kind editor will set up my space, as i haven't the time or clue as smiley - smiley i will more than happy 2 send info of wot i'd like on my page..i've had a browse and like many things?

Also plz tell me how i can have a convo chat with sum1 on here, i don't know how 2 get into a convo or where it is smiley - sadface

Thank x

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 6


Yeah, it's lovely to feel welcome! smiley - biggrin Isn't he briliant. Soupy xx

Leave a note about how great pedboy is

Post 7


smiley - blush , it is very easy to set up your own space. Thats part of the fun. It is very easy to do, just visit a few pages by clicking Who's Online above.
smiley - cheers

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


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