This is the Message Centre for pedboy

can you help

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there,i tryed mr manda,but kept throwing me off,

so i saw you are an ace,on the whos on line.

im jim,the linksman,because i have links to help anyone on the cable side,

but last night someone i know from this,sent the h2g2 link to a friend who is on sky(emails only)my question is,can sky acsess the h2g2,and if so,what is the link address,

for cable i use,

can you help

Post 2


try using an ftp rather than http. For ex

can you help

Post 3


Hi there, you solved your problem?

smiley - zen
smiley - towel

pedboy® (ACE) (E.A.T.S) (P.U.D.D.I.N.G) (MOSV).

can you help

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi,ive sent it on to the friend of the friend,no reply yet.

i know cable back to front,i have links for alsorts,but sky
its over my head,

the odds are the setup will be diff for the emails,so even known codes may not work.i,ll let you know when i know(have you any idea why we have to login all the time now on h2g2)
after a reboot,its only started to happen since they installed the two new servers.jim

can you help

Post 5


I do not have that problem.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel

pedboy® (ACE) (E.A.T.S) (P.U.D.D.I.N.G) (MOSV)

can you help

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

both me and a friend in scotland
reboot first thing in the morning,and then have to go on the h2g2 in the black,red or black,green skinstyle,and use login to get back on the alabaster,i have straight acsess
pages to the skins,but they all
do the same (after a reboot)its a pain,but we have no other choice,even with the updated d14
box i have,i need to rebbot first thing,or after a few mins,its(you may have run out of memory)i dont think tw are rebooting at night anymore jim

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