This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5
German meet
You can call me TC Started conversation Mar 9, 2010
Hi Hapi - are you coming to the German meet? Do you need a room?
If you're not coming, I can delete you from the list, or remove you to "not sure" if you're "not sure".
German meet
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Mar 9, 2010
ah .. I'll certainly try to come
I have a few minor not quite medical problems at the moment (eyes, it'll heal in time .. no problem whatsoever). I assume that will all be done in April If I can use both eyes again then I'll have an early train on Saturday morning
German meet
You can call me TC Posted Mar 9, 2010
OK - I hope your eyes get sorted out OK. It's not nice if you can't see well.
German meet
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Mar 9, 2010
ah yes
I do look like a genuine pirate now
.. just the parrot, the hook and the leg are missing
but it'll sort itself out, in good time
.. If I can see the signs on the railway platforms, then I'll be there
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German meet
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