This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5
Kat - From H2G2 Started conversation Dec 1, 2004
Yes well...never let it be said that I don't work at my creations...not that I would actively recruit or anything *whistles*
The H2G2 Language Thing is a place where people come together to talk in a variety of languages. Currently there are places for german, french, spanish, latin, danish, mandarin, and english for non-native speakers.
I'm thinking of starting a Dutch Department at the Language Thing. Having noticed that you live in that most wonderful of countries, Holland, I was wondering if you would be interested in speaking/teaching Dutch depending on your ability. Of course there's no obligation! I wouldn't dream of that!
I was also wondering if you would like to join our English Thread. It's a very relaxed place where you can bring all your questions, problems etc to me and I'll help you with anything I can. We've currently got four Europeans there and I occasionally set tasks of talking about a piece of British news, or working out what slang words mean etc. It would be great if you joined!
If you're vaguely interested, get back to me and in the meantime you may want to take a peek at the language thing itself...A1145477
looking forward to hearing from you
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Dec 2, 2004
Kat, I'll give it a try but right now I am not sure I speak any language good enough to teach! In fact I need language courses in (as a start) English, Russian, and probably Dutch as well...)
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