This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5

Addicted too

Post 1


Yup...this place can be very addicting...tis nice to meet a real dutch personsmiley - smileyI am from the US.(north dakota) where it is pretty chilly at the moment w/ freezing rain...uffda. I am kinda a mutt. I came way to the site cuz my great-grandfather was fromt the Isle of Man. I am also German, Norveigan, Irish lil french and maybe Cherokee Indian. The last cpl years I have felt compelled to study up more on the Native Americans and get to know some very cool ppl who I enjoy learning from. I consider myself adopted Cherokee/Sioux and Cheyenne. I love to learn from all cultures. I have a penpal in Finland...have had ones from Jordan,S.America, Morracco and Mexico. I have a pretty open mind but because I grew up in an alcoholic home don't drink much...unlike my hubby. Wishing u a great day and stay well. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Addicted too

Post 2

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin Hi Uffdamaida, Yes, I am Dutch. smiley - erm that also means English isn't my native language so I may mess up a bit every once in a while. Your family tree must be rather impressive; Germany, Norway, Ireland, France, America.. and then Cherokee/Sioux and Cheyenne... well, aren't you glad you're not invited to all the birthday parties of your cousins smiley - whistle
The site may be .. really addictive. I've been around for a few years now and I've made very good friends, (some a bit more than friends .. Hi Hati smiley - tongueout ). Did you move around the place yet? seen the holiday resorts? Pierce's Pirate ship? (that one is quite good.. just hop in and tell the captain you know all about sailing. Never mind if you don't: nobody will notice anyway).
Chilly with freezing rain? smiley - rofl I did live in Moscow for almost four years smiley - whistle I know a bit about cold weather. Hati is around here as well (names are coincidence.. really). She's from Estonia. Winter temperatures there go down to minus 30 or colder (Celsius).
Hey, let's here more of you? smiley - biggrin

Addicted too

Post 3


That is ok iffin u mess up...I'm goot at reading between the lines as I have had a penpal from Finland for over 20yrs...we haven't met yet but hopefully somedaysmiley - smiley I know a couple who are missionaries in Russia/Estonia areasmiley - smiley really neat ppl. I took care of her mom who had alzheimers. A tough job I couldn't do now as I have health problems of my own.smiley - sadface I am a stay at home mom which can drive me up the wall at times...especially when I don't feel goot. I think I suffer from SADD in the winter mo. here as we don't get a whole lot of sun. Yeah I am pretty much a mutt as far as nationalities. It it wasn't for my grandma on my mom's side, I'd be 1/4 of all but she had to make it more confusing. Until next time..Peace. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Addicted too

Post 4

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl ah good. Finland / Estonia / Russia isn't really that far from here; three to four hours by plane, unless you want to go to the other end of Russia. That's about 16 hours by plane from here. Still plane tickets cost a fortune; it's almost as cheap for us to fly to New York as it is to fly to Helsinki.
SAD is a problem.. especially in N-Dakota smiley - whistle. not a lot of sun indeed. Hati (remember Hati? Estonian) has some SAD tendencies as well. Estonia is relatively north as well, short days, little sunlight.
smiley - rofl .. a rather mixed set of nationalities, yes. Well, face it; most Americans (and Canadians) are a mix of "whatever came over". There's probably a whole continent filled with offspring of "a lot" of nationalities.
smiley - whistle think also of the Australians.. most Australians are offspring of convicted English/Irish criminals deported to Australia 18th and 19th century smiley - whistle

Addicted too

Post 5


True...I bet u have relative's maybe over here. Today another gloomy day in paradise but my mood isn't too bad except my children won't take a nap. My oldest(7.5)has a problem respecting authority from us/parents...he pushes..especially me to my limits and not goot I tell ya. My mom has been reasearching her family tree on her mom's side of the family...I am related to ppl in Australia who's family member was sent to prison there...too funnysmiley - smiley Have a nice day! Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Addicted too

Post 6

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl .. 7.5 and problems with authority smiley - whistle now that's a problem. My kids are 20 & 22. They don't need to respect my authority anymore (they do, in their own way though). Age 14 to 16 was slightly more difficult.
btw.. some of us refer to their kids by age. In a hootoo thread references to 7, 16 or 20 usually mean kids. That way there's no direct mentioning names, but age and hormone level are directly very clear.
both 20 and 22 have a room in a university city, some 60 miles from here. 20 (female) has a b/f, 22 (male) just practices.

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