Journal Entries

Immmmmmmmm backkkkk

Ha! I am back. So ner! I am back and I am feeling relatively out of control and hideously normal. Damm this shy revaloutianary mind of mine!

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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2003

Rouges are harder to role play than you think.

They really are the hardest to play. Espeaciliy when lawful nutral. Amazingly I can't play a charicter for some reason. I am thinking of giving him a accent (possibly jamacan or itailain) I anit sure which yet. However I have a DM who thinks that talking is all there is to role play (yes it shocked me to) he has apprently been in the game longer than I have (this also shocked me).
This is my longest post to date. And thats all folks untill I next need to make a rant.

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2002

Mmmm. Holidays times

Not much going on. Holidays. Ganrall stuff. You know ther uswal boring holidays. I need to lern to role play better and are working on chariter develeopment.

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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2002

Hmmm... life in Australia be very dry!

Drought is now declared almost everywhere in Down under, so don't ask me for any water!

Anyway in recent events, I have found I can add freinds to a friends list. If you were a real freind you whould have told me about this. :'( Kidding! I will add people as soon as they start posting on my profile. K?

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2002

Exams Be gorn!

Ha! all exams be over now! YAY!

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2002

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