This is the Message Centre for darakat - Now with pockets!
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted Apr 29, 2003
That is a very smart idea. But the question is: do you grovel in your report to get a better grade, or do you grovel directly to the professor to try to avoid writing the report altogether?
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted Apr 29, 2003
You even need to ask that question? Its both :-p
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted Apr 30, 2003
Oho! I should have known. Where does making elaborate PowerPoint presentations that have no actual content factor into this situation?
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted Apr 30, 2003
Well there always useful for taking up space on the lecturers machine... other than that I don't think they hav any point whatsoever.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 1, 2003
Well, they're there if you ever need to have something that looks pretty to impress people. And if you have the machines bogged down with fancy graphics it may well crash just before it's time to print up copies of the morning's exam, and wouldn't that just be a shame now?
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 2, 2003
I make a point of not geting involed in any subject that require somthing pretty to pass, thus aleviating this problem. Also I make damm well shaw an application is stable befor instaing it and thus aliventing the problem of frequent crashing.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 2, 2003
I make it a point not to get involved with anything that requires me to write more than 3 pages at a go. Anything more than that and my brain stops. I prefer not to be required to make things pretty; I either don't bother and it ends up a royal mess or I spend way more time on the layout and design than the actual content.
Granted, this is from the person who's been forced to rewire her circuit because the wiring was so sloppy and hard to follow that it was causing interference.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 2, 2003
Cusing interfearence? You should see my writing, it causes international disarsters! (I am being serrious here). There is only one other person I know that can possibly rear my hand writing and she is now a drug addict that has tried to kill herself at least twice (she obviously diddent sucsead). Howevere that kindof explains the type of people whou I hang round with.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 3, 2003
I cause international disasters! Or at least my room does. And sometimes I can't even read my own writing. Makes studying a nice decryption challenge. I blame AIM, because if I hadn't learned to type I MIGHT have possibly still been able to write at least vaguely legibly.
And don't worry about explaining the people you hang out with; almost everybody in my school was a drug addict of one sort or another and at least half of my friends were on antidepressants. Yet somehow I Sane? Marginally well adjusted?
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 3, 2003
Sanity is of course a point of view. My writing has beeen claimed by teahers as the worst they have seen since they last saw my writing (well sometimes its hard to think up comparrisions for things) but I think comparing who's bad handwriting is worse is probebly a simple exercise in procastination. However most of my spelling mistakes are due to my enfusiatic typing, I don't know if you have seen the childrens show "the big knights" but it had the funniest theam song:
The hight of two men
The weight of four
the strength of sixteen!
They are the big knights!
Galahad the finest swordmen in the land
and his freind (can't remeber the name) not the finest sordsman in the land but the most "enfusiastic""
Its like the funnyiest thing when you see it for the first time, and the second, it getts a bit sameish after that.
I think I am like the most enfusiastic typer in the lands, not the best, or the fastest, but I am your man if you need one for enufisaium.
As for sanity, most of the people I know are moderatly insane (hell I am a geek for god sake there are people I meet who are obsesed with a particular chapter of a single book on a extreemly narrow subject! (like say cataloging, or computer engineering)). However I dont think being a geek counts as being insane, but its proebly one of the canidates. I love saying I am a geek (for some unknown reason it feels good), its like saying you play role play games for entertainment (hell its cheeeper than the theater and you get gosip as well). However insanity requires to be insane and thus be crazy and I am afraid I am just mad (essentric possibly as well) not actuly completly crazy (as of yet). There is a difrence between a feather and a hole chicken.
Anyway this whould be my biggest post yet (almost I think this one is only 1000 words) so obviously this has got my full online attention now .
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 3, 2003
One of my goals in life is to make enough money to merely be labeled "eccentric." What it boils down to is that I just don't quite think like other people, and it's nice to be able to do random wacko things and have your friends just roll their eyes because it's you. Craziness is much cheaper than the theater, especially as I don't have a car. Also, being strange is a great way to liven up boring events. Just start swordfighting in the middle of the big formal dance and things become much more interesting. It also takes a much more interesting mind to come up with entertainment on the weekends that doesn't involve frat parties, getting drunk and sleeping with a stranger, the major form of entertainment at my school.
It sounds like I really missed a great TV show there. I have never heard of The Big Knights, which is a great shame. I'll have to go look that one up.
And I think your typing enthusiasm is a major asset. You should put that on your resume under "marketable skills". If I ever need an enthusiastic typist, I now know exactly who to contact. Does this burning enthusiasm apply to other things as well?
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 3, 2003
"essentric" is a nice lable as it implys that your rich enougth to afford being crazy and case everything in a skirt (your skirt). However essentric tends to get the disadvantage of being swamped on by the media (damm paparatzi). I knew there was a good reason why I don't watch shows like "today tonight" or "a current afair".
Do look The Big Knights up, ufortently there amoung the shows that where killed befor there time (other inclusisons are "Babalyon: Crusade" and "Jim", there are others but I can't thik of them right now).
Typing enthusiasm can be a major assest (why do you think I am in IT?) and it can count as a markatble skill (I have used it in a interveiw for a job I never got). Unfortently the enthusiasm seems only to apply to typing, role playing, and my stronger political veiws (I wont indulge on these unless absalootly nessasary, if you read some of my journal articals you probebly already know), and practicly nothing else.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 5, 2003
Well, I hope you do find a job someday that depends on you typing enfusiasm. (Decided I like your way of spelling it better.) As long as you have enfusiasms, even just a few highly specific ones, it makes life much more interesting. (Like oddball British comedy)(who, me? Never!)
I do, however, try to stay out of politics because if I ever follow something fairly carefully I ultimately end up with the opinion that they're all stupid.
It's possible just to be the eccentric one on the block, or in the town, a much better option that world wide infamy. There's this one family in my town that has a lot of money, but they're artists and middle aged hippies, so they go wandering around town in this huge, bright turquoise van wearing hippie skirts and tie dyed shirts and generally have a blast. You can get away with almost anything if you have a little more money than the surrounding population.
I looked up The Big Knights and it seems like an absolutely fabulous show, and it's a great shame that I missed it. Wonder if it's even been released over here, or if my problem is that I don't watch enough TV and miss gems like that one.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 5, 2003
Well IT was the place to go for enfusiastic typing (I like my spelling to, it's easyer than checking ). I am not sure what elese I am enfusiastic about, I whould say role play games, but thats probebly not true.
I am more sortof not a follower of polatics, more of a sort of... how do you say it... contiuenous objector, I chose a side I like and fight for it till the last blood in my breath (it gets me in to trouble somtimes but I don't care). This side can change from time to time, but according to I am a libral lefty (no idea what it meens, but I am one whatever it is).
I don't know who our essentric ones on the block are but I have a weird feeling its us ;P.
The Big Knightsm, I assume was made in britan (possibly even by BBC) I have no idea, I just started seeing it on ABC (thats Australian Brodacating corp, not the other one). I porbebly watch to much TV somtimes, it was a kids show :P.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 5, 2003
Sorry, that link was broken its actuly .
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 5, 2003
According to the political compass I'm fairly liberal and lefty. I was sort of in the middle of the bottom left quadrant. (3rd quadrant? I don't remember that part from geometry.) And no, I don't really know what that means, but I do know that I tend not to vote for people who list that they're in the Conservative Party, because they can just be scary at times.
We don't tend to get too much coming from the BBC. PBS (Public Broadcasting Something-or-other) tends to play some odd British stuff on Saturday night, but that's not really a kids show sort of time slot, so we'd probably need to get BBC America to see it, and we don't have that one. It is a bit of a shame, though.
I don't think we're the eccentrica ones on the block, but we also have some more middle aged hippies (a town specialty). I am, however, one of the more oddball ones at my school, but the school is mainly well off preppy liberal arts people with a but of engineering tacked on the side. I enjoy myself and don't get too many weird looks usually.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 6, 2003
Those guys in the ("libral" party) are really scary somtime esspecaily Jhon Howard. He is supposaedly best mates with Goerge "DoublYa" Bush.
Yeah thats a real shame. Pity really.
I don't know about weird looks but I hate to think what people think of me. Sometimes my pertants can be annoying (there real Authorative Leftys both of them) and what they say can be extreemly embarressing.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 7, 2003
Well, they're supposed to be embarassing. It's part of the job.
Ok, so I'm leaving college for the summer tomorrow, after attempting to get my life to fit in the back of a Buick. This means that depending on what sort of job I find, and whether my mother is always looking over my shoulder, I may be online all the time or I may practically never be around. I have definitely enjoyed our conversation, and this may be irrelevant and I'll be online every night anyways, but I will check my email, so feel free to email me if you care to say anything. I am [email protected] and if I reply, you'll even learn what my actual first name is.
If not, have a great summer, school year, whatever! I don't entirely know what the schedule is like in your half of the world.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
darakat - Now with pockets! Posted May 7, 2003
As this is the southern hemisphere its winter here, and thus school is in the full roar of homework, assignemnt and various squilly things (they get annoying those 1st years, don't they? "Wheres buiding 1?" Its behind you!). Thus I may or may not be online more often. I certianly woint be here as often for at least the next 7 weeks as this is the "Busy" part of the term. However I have a strange felling that I will be online every now and again.
Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! Posted May 9, 2003
Ugh. Now that homework, exams, and all those various squilly things are over I actually have to do something drastic like find a job. Yuck!! And about all that's available is food service, which should be interesting since I'm a terrible waitress.
Plus side: I'm back home, my cat sleeps directly on top of me at night, and I can sit down and devour books all day long until I go out and find aforementioned stupid job.
And I'm having issues with typing today. Probably not enough enfusiasm.
Good luck with your busy bits!
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Rouges are harder to role play than you think.
- 101: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (Apr 29, 2003)
- 102: darakat - Now with pockets! (Apr 29, 2003)
- 103: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (Apr 30, 2003)
- 104: darakat - Now with pockets! (Apr 30, 2003)
- 105: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 1, 2003)
- 106: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 2, 2003)
- 107: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 2, 2003)
- 108: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 2, 2003)
- 109: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 3, 2003)
- 110: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 3, 2003)
- 111: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 3, 2003)
- 112: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 3, 2003)
- 113: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 5, 2003)
- 114: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 5, 2003)
- 115: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 5, 2003)
- 116: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 5, 2003)
- 117: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 6, 2003)
- 118: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 7, 2003)
- 119: darakat - Now with pockets! (May 7, 2003)
- 120: Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag! (May 9, 2003)
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