This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent


Post 1


Hi Loup,

I want to help out in eradicating the recent troll that has propogated the site. I just need to clarify something. Is Yikesing just pressing on the complaint button beside the post?




Post 2

Loup Dargent

smiley - cheers kiltedjedi...

your help is definitely appreciated...smiley - smiley

the sooner this troll will be kicked out the better..smiley - steam because of its activities on the bar's thread some people are assuming that the FoLDers Arms is full of trouble makers [sorry, i've just read something while lurking]...smiley - yikes
smiley - ok, if people want to know something about the bar they should come to Mr Manda or/and me first i would think but still, the troll is certainly not helping with our image...smiley - grr

anyway, back to the topic..smiley - whistle yep... the yikesing button is the complaint button next to the post...smiley - smiley

thanks in advance...smiley - ta your help in this matter is very welcomed and appreciated...smiley - cheers

talk soon..smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 3

Researcher 220282

Hi loupsmiley - smiley

first things first regards to you and yours for the hloiday weekendsmiley - biggrin

I have passed on the latest spam 'attack' on to the 'italics' hope this helps (memories of the last days of LD smiley - sigh spring to mind) maybe 'pre-mod' isnt strong enough but hope it gets sorted soon

Jonathan smiley - zoom


Post 4

Loup Dargent

hi jonathan... smiley - cheers

i didn't see your posting [this one i mean] before i added some info on the italic's thread...

it seems that it was needed as on another thread he was making the quick assumption that it was a LDers related problem...

the only connection between the troll and the LDers bar is that i 've publicly asked for the troll's offensive posts on a researcher's public space to be yikesed...
the troll obviously didn't appreciate it and came back with a vengeance...smiley - yikes

i hope that the troll will be dealt with properly as the way i feel at the mo' [and after the implication of its actions for the FoLders Arms] i might take the risk of being pre-moderated and have a go myself at the troll...

it won't solve anything i know but i sure will feel better for it...smiley - biggrin

anyway, thanks again...smiley - cheers

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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