This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent


Post 1


Hello loup...

I was men`t to remind you about the H2G2 radio link when you update the folders...

I have just rememberd about it smiley - biggrin


Post 2

Loup Dargent

hi intern...smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers yep... the idea is to put some links on some of the LDers space projects/entries... including the FoLDers Arms of course...smiley - cool
some of it should be done in the coming days...smiley - magic

smiley - ta

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 3


smiley - cool no problem

I cant access folders at the moment.......


Post 4

Loup Dargent

smiley - huh bar area #13?!... it seemed to still have some life in it not long ago...

back in a mo'...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 5


might just be a digibox problem
no doubt it will sort it`s self out...smiley - smiley


Post 6

Loup Dargent

we're on bar area #14 now anyway..smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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