This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

Ahuuummm Loup

Post 1

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Well i be blowed just happened to click on The Folders Arms home page and i find my name up in lightssmiley - biggrin

Is there some thing i should know smiley - doh

Or is there some thing that Loup requires of me i wonder smiley - yikes

smiley - devilREBs

Ahuuummm Loup

Post 2

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin
smiley - ale

Ahuuummm Loup

Post 3


Hellosmiley - smiley
cheerssmiley - ale
smiley - ok

Ahuuummm Loup

Post 4

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Blimey you get about blondy just answered you smiley - biggrin

Hee hee why the smiley - biggrin then Loup oh and you brought me a smiley - ale as well is that a subtle way to tell me to buy a new quiz book smiley - wah Laughing

smiley - devilREBs
ps have you seen my Playroom smiley - yikes

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