This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

French Frog Loupy

Post 1


Hello Loupy!

payed your telewest bill at last have you? LOL smiley - winkeye

id like to say id missed you but i wouldnt of realised you'd gone if someone hadnt of told me lmao smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 2

Loup Dargent

you might have noticed if you were visiting the FoLDers Arms instead of the Boars Headsmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

smiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

i was kinda around tho' but only on a limited amount of time a day through the local library..smiley - smiley

still twas better than nothing... but now i got some catching up to do... more LDers space projects to work on...smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 3


hey whats with all the smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato?
here >smiley - flan in your face lol

speaking of the LD'ers homepage (think thats what its called) i was told that if i was on that i would be informed of things such as 'when the back door opens' etc can you put me on it Loupy? smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin btw what room(s) did you use in LD cos ive never heard of you

smiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 4

Loup Dargent

according to my personal space i was in the politics room of LD's library...smiley - whistle
but before that i used to go to the entertainement room in chat... but _that_ was more than a year ago now...smiley - yikes

to get the journal entries which we use for the LDers news/announcements you need to put the LDers space U201567 on your friends list... then any LDers related announcement we make will appear automatically on your space... smiley - magic

talk later....smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 5


thankyou Loupy smiley - ale

entertainment room? lol never found any entertainment in there thought it was full of kids smiley - biggrin

ill stop bugging you and leave you in peace now cos im going to bed in 5 smiley - sleepy g'night

smiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 6

Loup Dargent

the entertainment room full of kids?! smiley - yikes that must have been after i left for LD library...smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok night... smiley - coffee

loupsmiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 7


tried clicking on that link keeps error paging me (502)
cant be bothered now ill try again tomorrow
bonne nuit Loupy? (i think LOL) smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon

French Frog Loupy

Post 8

Loup Dargent

oh the 500s are striking then?!... tell me if you managed to access it tomorrow/today... we might need to re-arrange the main page if digiboxes got problems accessing it...smiley - smiley

yep.. that was bonne nuit... tho' it's a bit smiley - weird saying good night to an insomniac smiley - vampire.. hehe smiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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