This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

Hi Loup I hope you are keeping well. Please tell me have you been able to access the email I sent you with my photo on? It was under the email account coffeemorningaddict2000.smiley - smiley

Merci Beaucoup


Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hi again Loup I hope you do not mind me asking when is the special market in Southend in June. I know you did mention it one of the threads but I cannot remember which and it would takes ages if I had to go through all the LD's threads/conversations. I am not all organised and I should I have wrote the information down. I am very interested in going to markets.smiley - smiley


Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 3

Loup Dargent

hi kat...smiley - biggrin

while i'm at it i got the email but with only a message from T.WEST telling me that it was too big...smiley - cry might be a good idea to forward it to my alternative email addy as there are no size limitations there:
[email protected]

smiley - cool

the market i mentioned was the indoor market next to the bus station... they will be having a kinda anniversary event or something.. i will make an entry about it for the researchers who have some essex connections... that was more or less what i said in the convo as far as i remember...smiley - smiley i didn't expect that people would be interested already.. smiley - disco
which i'm quite happy with... now i better get the entry ready as soon as possible.. hehe... smiley - cool

talk soon....smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

Bonjour Loup It's very nice to see you and I hope youre keeping well. Thanks for the information about the entry. Unfortunately the library is closed due to staff-training. Thanks for Yahoo email address, I am going to the library tomorrow also to check on my ACE forum emails and to do a word processed document re: to save the Bull Lane Playing Fields - Wier Hall Action Group.smiley - biggrin


Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 5

Loup Dargent

i haven't had a chance to go back to the indoor market yet but i will have more info about the event itself next time i go there...smiley - cool
and then i should have enough to write the entry...smiley - wow

smiley - ale

smiley - ok talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 6

Reality Manipulator

Thanks Loup as I have visited Southend recently I have fair enough idea of the area now. It's changed a great deal since I last visited the place in the early 70's. Just finished a posting on quadrupple malted chocolate ice cream on the recipe room on the Old Ye Tea Shoppe. I have just heard that there will be a French market on the 11/12/13 of July.smiley - smiley


Bonjour and Bon Accord Monsieur Loup D'Argent

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Thanks Loup as I have visited Southend recently I have fair enough idea of the area now. It's changed a great deal since I last visited the place in the early 70's. Just finished a posting on quadrupple malted chocolate ice cream on the recipe room on the Old Ye Tea Shoppe. I have just heard that there will be a French market on the 11/12/13 of July.smiley - smiley


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