This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

Je suis not dead

Post 1

Chan-Mick le Frog


Just to say hello, I'm not dead.

Been stupidly busy sorting out problems but things are a bit more settled now.

Ca va?

smiley - elf

Je suis not dead

Post 2

Loup Dargent

hi... i'm smiley - oksmiley - ta...

i might be offline for around two weeks at the end of the month unfortunately [long story]...smiley - cry

but i will certainly talk to you before then...smiley - cool

talk soon....smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Je suis not dead

Post 3

Chan-Mick le Frog

OK, Talk soon.

smiley - elf

Je suis not dead

Post 4

Loup Dargent

fortunately cybercafs and libraries exist... so i will still be able to be online on a regular basis... not as long as some times obviously but still, better than nothing....smiley - cool

smiley - disco

would you be interested to help with this project by the way?!

smiley - space==> A1022310

all is needed is a few french speakers to suscribe to the page and answer some of the queries whenever they can [it doesn't have to be all the times or/and be there for hours...smiley - smiley]...smiley - wow

let me know if you want to help and i will add your name on the list...smiley - star

i wanted to open it earlier but with the fact that i'm not going to be able to be online much for the coming two weeks i thought it would be better to wait a bit more...

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Je suis not dead

Post 5


i am not dead either< hope you are okay, i hear theres interesting backlog smiley - biggrin

Je suis not dead

Post 6


i am not dead either< hope you are okay, i hear theres interesting backlog smiley - biggrin

Je suis not dead

Post 7


i am not dead either< hope you are okay, i hear theres interesting backlog smiley - biggrin

Je suis not dead

Post 8


i am not dead either< hope you are okay, i hear theres interesting backlog smiley - biggrin

Je suis not dead

Post 9

Loup Dargent

hi ghia...smiley - biggrin

yep... tho' one backlog in particular should be burnt to ashes considering the bad image it's giving to the LDers...smiley - steam we needed that like we need a hole in the head...smiley - yikes i might be paranoid but the comments of a h2g2er about LDers on h2g2 might have been based on it...smiley - sadface

if it's about a certain old thread [fortunately not on the Lders space...smiley - whistle] well that's kinda old news... i remember reading about it when i was helping the thundercats against the terranic army [don't asksmiley - laugh]...smiley - biggrin

i'm going to be cable-less [from midnightsmiley - yikes] for two weeks unfortunately... but i should be around regularly thanks to the local library..smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Je suis not dead

Post 10


Im cableless too, non-payment of bills... it's taking 45 mins just to get my bearings
bEST GET AN smiley - ale in before I gosmiley - kiss
Hope to see you peeps again soon...


Je suis not dead

Post 11

Chan-Mick le Frog


Yes, I will help when I can. You can add my name to the list.

smiley - elf

Je suis not dead

Post 12

Loup Dargent

smiley - cheers.. smiley - ta i will do that asap.. [when i get to the local library]

that's the idea really.. the more people involved = not so much to do for everyone... after all there is so much time we can spend on here [unfortunatelysmiley - cry]... it might not be that busy anyway but at least the service will be there for whoever wants to use it...smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - surfer

thanks again..smiley - ta

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Je suis not dead

Post 13

Chan-Mick le Frog

No probs.

smiley - elf

Je suis not dead

Post 14

You can call me TC

I would be happy to help people with their French. It's about the one thing I can do. Had been wondering where you were, smiley - fullmoon Loup.

Je suis not dead

Post 15

Loup Dargent

oh smiley - cool TC... great news... i will add your name asap...smiley - smiley

smiley - ale

well... i have been a bit busy and of course _now_ i'm cable-less [no TVemail = no access through digibox smiley - cry] for a while... but i should be fully back online quite soon...smiley - wow

talk soon everyone and thanks again...smiley - cheers

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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