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Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 27/30

Post 1


This is as good a time as any to put in my two cents about Mizzou's move from the Big 12 to the SEC next year. Truthfully I'm on the fence about the move.

On the one hand, I like keeping the tradition present in the Big 12. Some of the members have shared a conference with Mizzou for over 100 years, others not so long but long enough to form some ongoing rivalries.

On the other hand, the SEC offers Mizzou so much more security and a considerable increase in revenue. The Big 12 has jerked Mizzou and some of the other members around for years in order to pander to Texas and Oklahoma. Both schools are pivotal to the Big 12's future. If they leave, the conference won't be able to survive. On the other hand, it can survive quite well without Mizzou and we can do just fine without it.

This is the second year of moaning, threats and last minute deals to keep the conference together. Nebraska and Colorado left last year. Then this year it all started over again when Texas A&M announced that it was exploring it's options. It became clear that it is far better to leave now than to wait for Texas and/or Oklahoma to break up the league and then have to scramble around for a BCS conference that is willing to take us.

A&M made it official that it was leaving for the SEC. So TCU was wooed and added to the Big 12. Then Missouri was offered a spot in the SEC to balance out the addition of A&M. Under the circumstances, we would have been stupid to turn it down. So, West Virginia moved to the Big 12 to take Mizzou's slot.

A lot of criticism has arisen, as was expected. Some people think that Mizzou won't be competetive. SEC is a football powerhouse. On the other hand, the Big 12 isn't too shabby, either. Also, the SEC and every other league is about more than football, even though most people won't admit it. Mizzou brings strength to the SEC in several other areas, including basketball, women's sports and academics. We also bring a large TV market to the SEC, larger than most of the schools already in the league.

Then there are the folks who claim it isn't a good geographical fit. I think it 'barely' fits in geographically. We share borders with Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee. The southern half of the state has historically been considered part of the south. We've been put in the Eastern Division, which isn't geographically ideal, but it makes sense that being the last one into the league, we'd be put in the available slot.

So, yes I'll miss the traditional rivalries, but I welcome the added security the SEC offers. I think I just fell off the fence into the SEC pasture.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 27/30

Post 2

LL Waz

smiley - laugh I just about worked this one out. I'm glad you've decided you like the grass on the side of the fence you're on.

Back here I can tell you that the Shrews are third in their table and in a promotion spot. Mind you, they were last year too at this time of year but fell back into the play offs which they then lost.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 27/30

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - bluebutterfly

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 27/30

Post 4


Waz, Ti, this was my answer to all those conversations about games I don't play, techie talk I don't understand and music groups I've never heard of. smiley - silly One of these days, when I'm really frustrated at not un derstanding what anyone is talking about, I'll do a journal about baseball rules. smiley - cheers

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 27/30

Post 5

Candi - now 42!

smiley - lurk

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