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Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 19/30

Post 1


My cousin came by today wearing a 'fashionable' outfit that made me wonder who on earth decides what looks good and what doesn't. So many of the choices available today are just butt ugly. They aren't even cute on teenagers, let alone mature women.

The good fashion news for ladies my age is the new found popularity of the jacket dress. This is one of the most flattering styles for nearly every body type. They are especially good for short women who tend to look even shorter and dumpier in skirts, especially mid-calf length ones. When you're short you need a continuous line from shoulder to knee. A skirt and blouse cuts you off in the middle. Ankle-length also works well for shorties.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 19/30

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Aw, Hypatia, you'd probably stop traffic in a gunny sack. smiley - winkeye

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 19/30

Post 3


Anyone wearing a gunny sack would stop traffic. smiley - laugh

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 19/30

Post 4

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I'm a shorty, too -- when I used to wear longer skirts/dresses, I looked like a dwarf in a hole...smiley - elf

Agree about jacket dresses, very stylish and classic. smiley - smiley

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