This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Thought for the Day

Post 41


Sunday, October 31.

"One man's creativity is another's brain damage."

- Roland Fischer

Thought for the Day

Post 42

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

No comment. smiley - whistle

Thought for the Day

Post 43

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - snork

Thought for the Day

Post 44


Monday, November 1.

"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

- L.P. Jacks

Thought for the Day

Post 45

Baron Grim

On the other hand, pessimists are rarely disappointed. smiley - winkeye

Thought for the Day

Post 46


My mother is one of the glass half empty sorts who always expects the worst. Drives me crazy. I can't live like that.

Thought for the Day

Post 47

Baron Grim

You see the glass half full. I wanna know who drank half my beer!

Thought for the Day

Post 48

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I'm more smiley - zen -- I just see a glass which has the potential for fullness or not fullness.

Thought for the Day

Post 49

Baron Grim

Ah, then you need one of these:

Since it technically only has one surface, its inside is its outside as well and therefore is neither easily described as full nor empty.

Thought for the Day

Post 50


That's smiley - cool.

I don't think I've reached the smiley - zen state, but I'm getting closer all the time. I stay on a pretty even keel most of the time. And I'm learning to recognize how counter-productive my darker moods are. Progress is being made. smiley - laugh

Thought for the Day

Post 51

Spaceechik, Typomancer

That Klein mug is way smiley - cool, but a tad pricey -- for that, I'd want it to self replenish! At least, fetch my slippers...

Thought for the Day

Post 52

Baron Grim

Yea, and they're a smiley - bleep to clean.

Thought for the Day

Post 53

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Maybe you need a moebius strip bottle brush? smiley - bigeyes

Thought for the Day

Post 54

Baron Grim

Or at least a prehensile bottle brush. smiley - cheerup

Thought for the Day

Post 55

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm an optimist (glass half full).

I take out joy/excitement/pleasure in advance.

If I succeed, I get to eperience the joy etc. once more.

If I fail, I've at least achieved happyness once.

Success: happiness x 2
Failure: happiness x 1, grief x 1

A pessimist takes out grief/worry/remorse in advance.

Success = misery x 1, happiness x 1

(although I've rarely seen pessimists happy even when they succeed)

Failure = misery x 2

Thought for the Day

Post 56

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I'm an enemy of false dichotomies.

I find the glass metaphor inadequate. smiley - whistle

Thought for the Day

Post 57


I happen to think that thoughts are creative. Expect bad things or worry constantly about the worst outcome to a situation and that's what you'll attract.

Tuesday, November 2.

"Look at a man in the midst of doubt and danger and you will learn in his hour of adversity what he really is."

- Lucretius

Thought for the Day

Post 58

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That quote had me scrambling to find Lincoln's:

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Thought for the Day

Post 59


Good one! That has a lot of truth. But so does Lucretius. I know people who fall apart and don't function well during times of stress. Also people who blame every misfortune on some outside force - boss, mother, president, pick your scapegoat of choice. They turn themselves into victims and martyrs and then wallow in it. I include the women who make a career out of widowhood in this group. Yes, I'm talking about someone I know. *sigh*

Thought for the Day

Post 60

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I can see where that would be frustrating. smiley - cheerup I know the type.

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