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I can't stand it

Post 21

Baron Grim

It may or may not be a "carol" but I was just trying to explain to Christiane what I meant by "crimbo music".

I can't stand it

Post 22


Feliz Navidad is another one that makes me cringe.

I can't stand it

Post 23

Baron Grim

smiley - headhurts

AACH!... I had to chase that out of my head with Santana, "Oye Como Va"... (similar rhythm)

All better now. smiley - biggrin

I can't stand it

Post 24


Smarty. That is the perfect antidote. *off to find the Santana CDs*

I can't stand it

Post 25

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I won't potentially give anyone an earworm by naming the Christmas songs I really can't abide **COUGH** Little Donkey, Mary's Boy Child, Little Drummer Boy **COUGH**, but as much as I can do without all the hoopla and noise of Christmas, I like to watch the Festival of Nine Carols and Lessons from King's College Cambridge every year. It's got dignity, it's got gravitas and, so far, it hasn't succumbed to popular appeal the way that the annual British Legion Festival of Remembrance has.

Curiously, I have a soft spot for this smiley - bigeyes

I can't stand it

Post 26


Where is it broadcast?

I can't stand it

Post 27

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The Festival of Carols? It's shown on the BBC and also broadcast on BBC radio. I think it goes out Christmas Eve afternoon an either Radio 3 or Radio 4 which you can listen to online very easily, and then you can hear it for a week afterwards with Listen Again. This is how it always starts off

I can't stand it

Post 28

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I have one ritual, of watching the Bloom County xmas special (I have it on video).

smiley - evilgrin Did you know that Michael McDonald (of Doobie Brothers fame) put out a Xmas album last year? So sad.

I can't stand it

Post 29

Baron Grim

I never knew there was a Bloom County special. smiley - bigeyessmiley - magic

Just watched a poor quality bootleg on the sub-etha. It was a joy to see Bill in motion.


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