This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Always a welcome sign

Post 61


smiley - ta for the explanations Hypatia and Lady C. - what you told makes sense to me. This is a very small country with land thouroughly cultered (i.e. farmed and/or kept 'semiwild') - not a square inch not attended to or kept an eye on by the farmers or the state and Nature Organisations.

smiley - biggrin.

Only the sea surrounding us is (fairly) wild.

Always a welcome sign

Post 62

Lady Chattingly

Sometimes I forget that most countries are not as expansive as the US and tend to take our wide open spaces for granted. I feel though, that if we didn't have some kind of conservation practices in place, the resources would be all used up and my grandchildren might not have the advantages of them.

Always a welcome sign

Post 63


We had a tiny bit of rain overnight and it is a bit drizzly this morning. But no significant precipitation. It is supposed to be 94º tomorrow. That's too danged hot for April.

Always a welcome sign

Post 64


We had sun today. smiley - wow. The downside was that Sig. S and I played indoors all day at a 40th birthday.

Sig. S got himself an adorable female fan. 8 months old. She jumped on her father's lap, swinged her arms, smiled at Sig. S. all the time and even 'sang' with us. smiley - biggrin.

Always a welcome sign

Post 65

Lady Chattingly

No tiny bit of rain here. It's hot and windy again. We bought more mulch for the garden. I have a feeling we are really going to need it this year.
Tartaronne, your birthday bash sounds delightful.

Always a welcome sign

Post 66

Lady Chattingly

Just checked the temperature in the back yard--in the shade. It's 90 degrees F--about six degrees cooler than yesterday. smiley - biggrin It's only April 15. smiley - cross I'm afraid we are in for a "Long, Hot Summer".

Always a welcome sign

Post 67


We should pot luck and share our weather, Lady C. Here it is 6 C about 40 F (at midnight that is) and the farmers complain the ground is to wet for getting the seeding started. smiley - erm

Always a welcome sign

Post 68

Lady Chattingly

Wouldn't that be lovely if we could pot luck the weather between our two countries? Hubby and I were just talking about how much windier it has been here the past two or three years. In a fortnight, we have had, maybe, two days of calm weather. The rest of the time the wind has been blowing. The air is full of dirt and so is my house, my eyes and my teeth when I go outside!
He was born and raised here in Kansas and today came in the house and said "A man would have to be a fool to move to Kansas!" smiley - biggrin I thought that said it all!!!!(The smiley - biggrin is mine--not his.)

Always a welcome sign

Post 69


After weeks of cold, miserable weather, it's actually been mild enough here today to be in the garden without a jacket.
I'm itching to get going on the cutting-back and weeding - and managed about five minutes of doing this before I realised that my back was not enjoying it smiley - sadface

Always a welcome sign

Post 70


Backs are pesky things sometimes. smiley - erm I'm glad your weather is improving. It is suppposed to be 94ºF/34.4ºC here today and tomorrow with a gradual return to more seasonal temperatures later in the week. Things should be about normal next weekend for our yardwork marathon with Lady C, the strong, handsome SiL, and the great nephews. smiley - biggrin

Lord C is going to rip up the final bit of carpet for me. WooHoo! I hate wall to wall carpet.

Always a welcome sign

Post 71


It has been beautiful spring weather here as well. And my brother and various helpers did a lot of work in my mother's tiny patches of garden.

I helped by playing with grandson A. smiley - biggrin. We played football and drew with chalk on flagstones. Mostly boxes with boas smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye.

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