it would be about me really

Born in Wolverhampton - so naturally a life long suffering as a Wolves fan. One day it will get better. Won't it?

Lived and worked all over the place but now living in Leek Staffordshire cos I cant afford to live in Cheshire where I work. Having said that Leek is a very nice place to live with activities for all (as long as you like the countryside, walking or climbing - which I do so thats ok).

Come and see the winking man on the Leek to Buxton road. Yes this is a rock formation that looks, kind of, like a mans face and it winks as you drive by. No really it does. Honest.


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Stop Press Aug 2, 2002 No Replies
Wolves Aug 2, 2002 No Replies
Trees Aug 2, 2002 No Replies
Wolves Aug 2, 2002 No Replies


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