This is the Message Centre for Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 21

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

u told me age ago?! as in years ago?!"Claire whispers"... is it Steven?... im prolly goin too far back!

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 22

Researcher 232059

aahhh steven...*LuLah Dreams* oooh i had 4gotten bout him! heehee

nah, thats goin 2 far bak... im meanin more like april... teehee xxx silly me! i'll never learn!

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 23

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

So who is it then?!xxx`

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 24

Researcher 232059

im not actually in2 anyone in perticular... but i still hav feelin sum1(ok, clairey think! the ned like one...)xxxxxxsmiley - smiley

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 25

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh gawd no not him lulah! what was his name again? robbie was it?xxxsmiley - lovexxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 26

Researcher 232059

hes v cute!!! smiley - cupid trah lah lah...
but he is an arsehole, n he is a prat... i kno... xxxxx smiley - smiley

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 27

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

yeah he was a total dickhead to u tho sweetie...smiley - sadface.. shame about neddy boys who could have soooo much potential... but then apparently leopards never change their spots...smiley - sadfacexxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 28

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

HiyA I lUvV BlOkEs WiTh NiCe Hair AnD TeEth; If ThEy HaVe ShOrT-IsH HaiR I Has To LoOk KiNdA MeSsY, BuT i LuVv ShOuLdEr LeNgTh HaIR ThAt FlIcKs OuT aT tHe BoTtOM(LiKe My M8 MiKE!!) AnD ThEy HaVe To HaVe NiCe StRaIghT, NoT toO BiG, NoT ToO SmALl, WhItE TeEth!!
ThOsE ArE thE FiRsT ThInGs I NoTicE WhEn LoOkiNg At PeOpLe, EsPecIaLlY BlOkES!! lOl!!

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 29

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

Oh AnD ToUnGe PiErCiNgS ArE VeRy SeXy On MeN-BUt OnLy If It SuItS ThEm!!

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 30

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh gawd yeah tongue-piercings are good!xxxsmiley - lovexxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 31

Researcher 232059

eeuuugggghhh tongue peircing, i'd b afraid t wuld catch sumwhere! *Giggles*

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 32


Tongue piercings are class... I dont have one... but my girlfriend does....
Well goes for ... well... B... J's... innit? lmao

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 33

Researcher 232059


yeh, i kno he's a prat, the first thing i think ov when he's around me is how much of a prat he is but when i think ov him... smiley - cupidsmiley - love... teehee mezee never does learn does me?! xxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 34

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

Hey BrYaN YouR BaCk?!?! xoxox

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 35

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

no u never learn but then u r an Aries so i'll let u off with it!...smiley - smiley

and about tongue-piercings... u dont likey?! im surprised!lolxxx ... well u know why i like em... the only reason i like em!lolxxxxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 36


Yes Tanya... I am back... and apparently dso is LouiSeY!!
S**T!!! lol
Well... not s**t... its quite sound actually.... but.. yeah... lol

I live in Liverpool now, so i thought i'd come say hi to yas all...
Does Kirsty and Sian still come on? xcxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 37

*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^!

I have no idea, forgot to send them msg's when you told me i should chat to them!! lol!! silly me!! i have a new man and i is VERY happy!! lol!!

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 38

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*


yeah they do still come on here... im Sian's daughter in The Wally House!... dont ask!lolxxxxxx i hear u reeeeealy hate via!lol ooopsi! i should shut up...smiley - sadfacexxx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 39


Via is about as interesting as alphabet soup, wiythout any letters!!!
She needs to be lynched... then shot 25 times in the same spot..... then kicked by a mad, raving, hufalump./... or somet l;ike that... I havent got plamnned that far yet!!! lol xx

Beauty(of the physical kind)

Post 40

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh really/! gawd what the hell did she do that was so bad?1lolxxx

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