This is the Message Centre for Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

Primal scream

Post 41

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

hehe yeah that's true. I hate it when i've been to a gig for instance and i come home and all i can smell for hours is smoke. eugh. I don't hate it at the time(In fact i find the smell of a cigarette burning away quite comforting!). Yeah that's another thing, smokers don't realise how much it reeks. eugh


Primal scream

Post 42


Its the whole taste and smell thing, when you smoke your senses are weakened (sounds like something from starwars)

*Darth Vader voice*
"Your senses are weaking old man, that pipe will be your undoing"

Primal scream

Post 43

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

hehe you're a funny chicken.smiley - smiley

so teach me some Irish colloqualisms then.smiley - smiley


Primal scream

Post 44


I found out the name of the club/bar we where in last time I was in Glasgow, its called blo and blo social.
I was supposed to go over at the weekend to Glasgow, but im trying to save for America.

Heres some wee local sayings, we dont all speak with them and some are used more than others:

Craic (pron “crack&#8221smiley - winkeye– various meanings including the score, the story, the information, news, fun

To wind someone up – to deliberately irritate someone, often for comic effect

Everything’s sweet – everything is going as planned

A score - £20

Wee buns – that’s very easy

Whipper – an insurance claim for whiplash

Suck the back of them – You are talking nonsense and I am not going to do what you suggest

Barrack buster – a three litre bottle of cider

Hood – a delinquent youth

Any good for a tap? – may I have a loan?

Walthead – dickhead

walt – very stupid

Easy peasy Japanesy – easy

Away on – I’m not going to do that. Also means I don’t believe you.

On the tear, on the rip, bender– out for the evening determined to have fun and to drink lots of alcohol

Blootered – drunk

Header – someone with a volatile and possibly psychopathic personality

Strap – credit

Wee champion – an attractive (i.e. fit-looking) girl

Sliding – sneaking away

Wise up – be sensible

Windy – window

Slabbering – talking nonsense

Walthead – dickhead

Pastie bap – burger bun containing a burger cooked in batter

Keep her lit – keep your energy levels up. Also used as general words of encouragement.

Shower of sh**es – a group of people you dislike

All day long – General affirmation (e.g. certainly, yes, always or a lot)

Bullroot – see Walthead

Scone – head

Catch yerself on – stop talking nonsense

Sky rocket – pocket

Hallion – a person you dislike yet can’t help secretly admiring

Stall the ball – wait a moment

Where am I, Castlereagh? – why are you questioning me in this manner?

Everything’s sweet – everything is going as planned

Am I some pup or what? – I’m feeling very pleased with myself

Dead on – that’s fine.

You’re doing my box in – I find you very annoying and I also resent the fact that you are attempting to play psychological games with me.

Stall the ball – wait a moment

Wee ride - a nice looking girl

Reckon - im not doing that

Hard er what - thats great!

Sound – that’s fine

care to enlighten me with some of your local talk?

Primal scream

Post 45

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

gosh you're sure you're not living in Scotland?! Most of the phrases/words seem distinctly Scots. Hmmmm... well it's di's difficult for me to come up with any others actually... except from:

braw: nice-looking, pretty

haud yer wheesht: shut up, be quiet

ver near: almost

dingied: ignored

nigelised: being on one's own

driech: adjective used to describe miserable weather

ginger(Glaswegian word): fizzy juice

Glasgow Kiss: a headbutt on the nose

weans: kids, children

smashin': great. brilliant

rare(pronouned rer): brilliant

that's all my wee brain can think of just now!smiley - sadface
There's a bit on Scottish dialect which i have referenced on my page though.smiley - smiley


ps. i'd like to state that no-one in Scotland ever says "Och aye the noo!".lol

Primal scream

Post 46


smiley - laugh

I have Scotish realatives, so iv a good first hand experience of the local lingo.

What a about the club i spoke about in the last thread? you heard of it?

Primal scream

Post 47

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*


nah sorry sweets, don't know it... then again i actually managed to get lost in Glasgow today looking for a bar... what am i like?!lol


Primal scream

Post 48


It was in that big area that had the lights all over it, but I heard that they are down now,

Getting lost in your home place, hmmmmmmmm *looks around*

Primal scream

Post 49

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

aaaahhhh... nah i still don't know it... i mean i still get lost for pity's sake!lol

so not long till Witness now? All excited yet?!smiley - smileysmiley - somersault


Primal scream

Post 50


indeed i am,

Still to get my tent, I have one from last year, but me and my mate are talking about getting one together, just so we have some more room for ourselves. We've seen a few with 2 rooms and a hall, think thats the style im gonna go for, a 2man tent does 1 person in my experience.

Though i cant spend much money as im supposed to be saving.
Other items I need are

rainjacket (unless it looks good)

As much as im looking forward to witnness, i cant wait to leave work, and to go to America!

Any summer plans?

Primal scream

Post 51

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

a tent with 2 rooms and a hall? Am i missing something! hehe...

*unless it looks good* into your looks? hehesmiley - smiley

where in America are you going to?smiley - smiley

well im going to Norway in Julysmiley - smiley


Primal scream

Post 52


Supose i am into my looks, in a way.

I just have an interest in how everything looks really,

Newyork then hopefully wildwood for a while.

What you going to Norway for then? sounds interesting.


Primal scream

Post 53

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

well im rather pleased to hear that... I like a guy to be groomed.smiley - smileysmiley - cool

ah it sounds great.smiley - smiley

Im going over to see a friend. I'm sure it'll be muchly fun!smiley - smileysmiley - somersault

aaaah im just back from a gig. Ever heard of an American band called My Chemical Romance?


Primal scream

Post 54


Hows did you end up having a friend in Norway?

Yes America does sound great, i cant wait *jumps with joy*

Would you consider yourself to be well groomed then?

Sorry cant say iv heard of them, what was it like? what kind of sound have they?

Primal scream

Post 55

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

oh it's a long long story!

yessum i would thankyou! hehesmiley - smiley

well they're pretty heavy. Heavier than i'd normally listen to. Im a straightforward rock kinda girl, none of this metal malarky. hehe the guitarist was hot though so it's not all bad... smiley - winkeye


Primal scream

Post 56


it may be a long story, but im sure you can break it down you straightforward rock girl you

Primal scream

Post 57

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

well i met him in a bar in Glasgow and he invited me over this summer.smiley - smiley rather concise eh?!hehesmiley - smiley


Primal scream

Post 58



Take it youv meet him a few times then?
It is an unusual one, "Yeah im going to Norway to see a guy i meet in a bar" Im sure your mates laughed when you told them that

Norway should be interesting,

I rember watching a TV program about a guy hitchhiking around that part of the world on his own, he met some top class weirdo's, funny though

Primal scream

Post 59

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hi!smiley - smiley

yep don't worry it's all very safe! hehesmiley - smiley

they were more schocked... it's kinda out-of-character for me! It doesn't really matter to me what they think though.

anyhoo... ah sounds interesting. It's amazing how much English they speak.smiley - smiley


Primal scream

Post 60


During any of my trips to Europe,
Iv always found that most are capable of speaking good if not great English.

I had family that lived in Norway for a while, they live in Glasgow now, think i told you about them

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