This is the Message Centre for Fish's Freak

*knock knock*

Post 281

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - laugh plus i could become famous with the first ever filmed proof of leprecauns!

*knock knock*

Post 282

Fish's Freak

Absolutely! But remember who gave you the idea when the smiley - 2cents start rolling in. smiley - winkeye

*knock knock*

Post 283

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - laugh i will, how does 27% of all profits sound?

*knock knock*

Post 284

Fish's Freak

smiley - ok

*knock knock*

Post 285

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - biggrin okay, how about 23%?smiley - laugh

*knock knock*

Post 286

Fish's Freak

smiley - erm Less good.

*knock knock*

Post 287

benjahv: windswept and interesting

just checking! 27 it is. so hows life going down your end of the whatsit?

*knock knock*

Post 288

Fish's Freak

Well, I've stopped bleeding now... smiley - biggrin

Not too bad, although I miss GB. *sigh* How about you?

*knock knock*

Post 289

benjahv: windswept and interesting

i dont really know gobden enough to miss him and i wasnt bleeding in the firts place!smiley - winkeye im pretty good thanks having a drink and eating worcestershire sauce crisps.

why were you blleding?

typings gone pretty bad for somereason smiley - stiffdrink

*knock knock*

Post 290

Fish's Freak

I cut my thumb open on a can, and it sporadically begins bleeding. smiley - erm

Does worcestshire sauce have anchovies in it?

*knock knock*

Post 291

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug cans are vicious!

i dont think so, no.

*knock knock*

Post 292

Fish's Freak

I think it was less that the can is vicious, and more that I am incredibly clumsy. smiley - erm

*knock knock*

Post 293

benjahv: windswept and interesting

ohsmiley - erm, i always find blaming inanimate objects usually helps.

how are you finding febuary so far?

*knock knock*

Post 294

Fish's Freak

Tedious, yet busy. I'm waiting for March. smiley - smiley

*knock knock*

Post 295

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - biggrin may i ask why you dont like febuary?

*knock knock*

Post 296

Fish's Freak

Well, it used to remind me of a boy I was in love with once, but I'm over that now. Now it's coming between me and March, when i see Ben again. smiley - loveblush

*knock knock*

Post 297

benjahv: windswept and interesting

i didnt think febuary was even a boys name!smiley - winkeye

ah, the old waiting gamesmiley - smiley are you going over there or is he coming to you?

*knock knock*

Post 298

Fish's Freak

I'm going there. I have to take a plane, which I've never done before... I'm a little nervous... smiley - erm

*knock knock*

Post 299

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - smileysmiley - hug im sure you will be finesmiley - smiley

*knock knock*

Post 300

Fish's Freak

smiley - groan I hope so. Should be OK as long as i find the airport in time.

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