This is the Message Centre for kiwi-eating-apple

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 21


Thanks everything fine...... expect of the fact that i throuh a cardoor in my chemistry teachers face....../Well somehoe it was good... i guess freud would have said it was my unbewusstes9

.....he didnt hurt... and his face was ugly before the accident too... so...

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 22

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Well I was in a Kaffehaus and the waitress gave me a shower with 3 glasses of water... but therefore I got my hot chocolate for free.

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 23


3 glasses of water and a hot choclate for free??
Just dreaming about this! i'am also working at a waitress on the weekends and you can't imagen how emberressing such situations are. There ones was a jazz concert andt they ecpecially butet up some tabels , in an athor oder than normal. So, im "ALTEN KINO", thats the name of the location, the floor is skew and ther was this cable for the booster. However i just triped over it and 3 glases of redvine fell onto a whithe shirt of an man sitting infront of me. This was one of the most amberressing situations i ever been to!

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 24

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - ermsmiley - cheerup

Oh yes, I can imagina that. And she really was embarrassed too, I told her that it doesn't matter... it was just water. Could have been worse. Would have been bad if it would have been something sticky, for I had to stay in these jeans for another 7 hours...

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 25


You know, such things can happen, but on the other hand i can also understand, that the man was quite angry!

I Prefer metal concercerts in our Kino, i just have to stay behid the bar then and give out some whisky and beer! On the other hand, i laso remeber how one of the really hardcore metalguys flew down the stage because he competly lost his orientation because of headbanding..... he had laceration in his face but still wanted to rock on.... it was horrible!
well if i really think about it, the best eavnings are the theater eavnings... everything is peacful and during the acting noone wants to get served!

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 26

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - coolsmiley - cheers

smiley - yawn oh well, was a tiring day. Only two lectures, but 7 hours apart... they should forbid it.smiley - erm
Well, anyhow. We had a look at this years dissertations in architecture. There was one wo designed a car... smiley - huhsmiley - huh no idea how he did it. Must have studied something else too.

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 27


i remember my friend hoe he designed the "Nothing".......
i had scool till 6 today but we had it with just one hour inbettwenn the p.m and the a.m houres. had two hours of BE (Bildnerische Erziehung) I worked on my expressionism picture again.......looks very.....shocking 8actually more shocking than shoked, what was my target!)
However was quiet a nice day today!

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 28

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - coolsmiley - cheers

I made my Matura in BE. Was nice.

I at first had Denkmalpflege today, then walked around in Vienna, looking at the places where we have to imagine that we'll build houses, hen had Holzbau: too many people, I had to sit on the floor. I hate it. But the lecture is cool. Then I waited till 7pm, bought a script and then the lecture hall where we should be was occupied, so they sent us home.smiley - erm

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 29


Yeah.. i know Denkmalpflege, do yu also have to pick a building, which is disdurbing the citypicture and desinge a moreconfident one?

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 30

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

No, it's just a Vorlesung right now, no Übung. He just tells us something about his projects and h*** the man made much! smiley - magicsmiley - cool

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 31


There are also allways telling you that they are the best architects on world?
i once was at a presentation of an Enterfenprojekt... and there were...let me think... three diffrent Profs.(they had a jury) The problem was that two of them ´had complet diffrent opinions so they were disputing all the time and the poor little student completly lost his argumentation line! smiley - sadface
it was mad for the student but somehow it was funny to see two uni-profs losing there control over ther emotion and screeming into each others face "just" because of a building!

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 32

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laughsmiley - erm
Oh yes, it's always that way. One likes it, the other hates it. That's difficult, but on the other hand gives you a few opinions.

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 33


I am going to bed now. Wish you a nice night!

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 34

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

I'll go very soon too

have a good night toosmiley - smiley
see you

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 35


Hi how are you?

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 36

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Good thanks.smiley - smiley Just much to do... but that's usual. Have to spread some news: if you have problems with posting anything, remove all paragraphs, never hit enter (yes, sounsd strange) and then it works. No idea wether it's over already when you read that.

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 37


I allready recognized that problem1 No idea whats going on here1 I'am learning Chemiestry now (Somehow I got a 5 in the last SMÜ after my little.....accident)smiley - sadface Leraning something about polyethylen, polypropylen, polystyrol, expandiertes Ps, Polyvinylchölorid, Elastomere, Thermoplaste, Duroplaste, polymeristaion (radikal, kationc, anionic) and aromatic speciation?????? I am allready smiley - weird! parallel i am working on the maturazeitung... really like this work (ha ah beeing mad to teachers!)

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 38

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

No idea why that is. smiley - cheerssmiley - goodluck Hope everything will go well with chemistry. I'm just having a map of a part of Vienna in front of me and draw parts of it on Transparentpapier.smiley - erm Veeeeeeeeeery interesting work... Oh, cool! Maturazeitung! I helped with ours too. The guy who originally should do it told me 5 days before the Matura, that he had no time and so we should do it smiley - grr. We then worked till 3am or so ('Redaktionsteam Hardcorewappler')... was quite funny. But unfortunately the book where we wrote down all funny quotations of our teachers got lost and so there was much missing.smiley - sadface

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 39


Our Maturaball is on the 29 Nov. And there are still a lot of things missing. but somehow slowly there is an end to see. our Chemistryteacher is calling wachtler helmut and he worked as a Dj. called DJ Cosmo during his time at the University. One of my clasmates can do waht ever she wants in chemistry and still got a 2 or something (beeing a litle yelos (neidisch) no idea how to write it exctly,. So we wrot at the Presentation of the classmates: familenstand: single....aber heimliche Beziehung mit Cosmohelli. smiley - laugh

Hallo Kiwi!

Post 40

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laughsmiley - cheers We wrote something about all teachers and all classmates. Only a few lines each... well depending on how 'important' they were. Then we had I think 4 pages of quotations and then a short story... oh, and I drew everyone as film-characters.smiley - laugh

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